1.New Friend
Coco, look, we have a new friend~little camel~
yes.we have a new friend.
Really? How do you know?
你看呀,here is 峰,不是两个吗?(打脸,老母亲赶紧去看看驼峰咋说的,bactrian camel, two-humped camel)
Come and see, giraffe is your friend. Leopard is your friend, tiger is your friend. And camel is your friend. All your friends are here with us. Let's play a game. Close your eyes, I will hide one animal and then open your eyes and guess who is missing. Are you ok?ready steady go! I will give you some clues. This animal is black and white. It has stripes all the body.…
I know it. Zebra!
Are you sure?
Ok here you are. You got it.! congratulations! Now it's your turn you hide one animal, and I will guess.
Okay open your eyes.
Let me see who is missing. Oops I can't remember. Can you give me some clues?
Does it live on land or in the water or in the air?
on the land.
What color is it?
Oh, I can't guess it. Please show me the animal.
What? nothing! Oh my god! Let's play another game. Close your eyes. And I will let you touch them. Animal and then guess who it is.
Okay, I want to play this game.
2.绘本剧Are you my mother?
3.海尼曼网课at the zoo, all about baby animals.