第十四周小结 2017.04.08
清明假期的旅行,既紧张又放松,紧张的是日程,放松的是心情。我给自己放了几天假,奖励这100天的努力。同时,我把旅行中的一些感悟记录下来,不想把它写得太正式,关于旅行的话题,轻松的随笔更好一些。虽然文章很短小,但是感觉把自己写明白了。都是思维定势把自己束缚住了,以open 的心态去看待,可以理解、接受更多的事物。
#天天用英语# 清明假期的一篇文章:Killing Giants 格拉德威尔《逆转》的书评。“Whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”? Some people overcome difficulties. Others don’t. Gladwell can’t really say why Dr. Freireich is in the former category and not the latter.“杀死我们的,不一定会使我们更强大。”这个观点,很开脑洞。犯错可以使我们获得成长,但没有获得成长,又如何?我们确实应该尝试和自己的缺点呆在一起。
#天天用英语# 文章:What is left unsaid is often more powerful and poetic 说话留有余地的艺术。Why use implicit communication? Wouldn't life be so much simpler if people just said what they meant? One reason is that by not committing to a position or proposition overtly, we can keep our options open for longer.作者解释了三种原因,这是其中之一,也是我最认可的。就像“得到”中熊老师的话:做人留一线,日后好相见。说话也是,不要把话说满,也不要说得很直白,因为谁都不喜欢被“教育”。笑来老师也说:我是个相信“道”比“术”重要一万倍的人,可在“好好说话”这事儿上,我却认为“道”这个东西常常用处不大,或者说,常常真的不够用。在“会说话”,尤其是“得体地与人沟通”这事儿上,必须要活到老学到老,并且还要练到老。
作者的另外两个原因:1、Another reason for preferring implicit communication has to do with face: because in-your-face remarks tend to cause offence, politeness often involves the use of indirect language.另一个倾向于使用隐晦交流的原因和“面子”有关:因为当面说的话容易造成冒犯,文明礼貌就需要使用间接的语言。2、A third and vitally important reason for resorting to implicit communication concerns persuasion: we are much more likely to win someone over if we lead them to the conclusions we want them to reach than if we tell them what to think or do.第三个要使用隐晦交流的至关重要的原因是和说服有关:如果我们把对方引导到我们希望他们到的地方而不是直接告诉他们如何去做怎么去想,会更容易说服别人的。
#天天用英语# 文章:How to worry less 如何减少焦虑?我觉得首先我们要知道什么是焦虑?it means it’s time for the “life” part of life, as opposed to “making other plans” part. The passenger state is a conscious shift away from analyzing, planning, and commenting, in favor of simply enjoying where your body is and what it feels like to be there.我感觉就是“正念的力量”。
那如何减少焦虑?那就是活在当下.However hard you try,you'll always miss out on something in life.Let's just enjoy the moment.
We relaxes into uncertain or unresolved circumstances, with a strong sense that things will probably be okay, or at least okay enough that there’s no need to grasp at any kind of supernatural control over the future. At the same time, you accept that despite your best efforts, you may still end up in a mess.But the unrelaxed mind experiences a thousand emergencies for every real one. And when the real one comes, the unrelaxed mind is the least prepared, because it has no faith in its owner’s ability to act in the present.So you should enjoy the stars and the waves, because you are not trying to control them.
PS:虽然这周前几天一直在休假,但是我感觉休假过后,自己的状态恢复得很快。我在想为什么自己能快速转换?其实就是Enjoy the moment.如果在休假,就好好欣赏风景、体验生活,就不要想着我落了几天英语课,少看了多少遍文章。而重新回到工作学习中后,就要全力以赴。当我全情投入以后,感觉有了很多新想法(例如:把天天用英语的阅读心得,详细记录下来,丰富自己的写作素材,同时还可以复习一遍英文),或许这就是罗胖说的“放弃存量,拥抱增量”。之前,我总在想如何“放弃存量”?其实,现在看来,就是彻底不想,有这么几天彻底不想目前在做的事情。其实,刚回来的那一刻,我也有过不想继续的念头,但那念头转瞬即逝,因为我清楚自己需要终生学习。想通了这点,学习起来就更明确。