On Saturday 15th of December ,the first class had three mains parts..1) warm-up for 20min(两人传球运动+二过一)
2)30min of ball possession exercise. It was an exercise of 3Vs3 +2playes each team outside the playing area + free player for both team. 非常抱歉 我忘了拍照。
第二节课 12、13、14年队时间:10点半到12点半教练:黄征,阿达,徐教练,彭军
1)warm up
2)After warming up, we played 5 min game without ball to help kids to warm up more as the weather was too cold
3) then dynamic passive dribbling between corners 3) the third exercise was shooting exercise
4) game of 3 against 3..