JAKE欧美娱乐快讯 | 2020.11.08
而在经历了这些之后,麦粒话锋一转说道,“我没有花很多时间踌躇不前,暗自神伤。” 对于麦粒而言,流泪并不能解决任何问题。
两人在2009年拍摄电影《The Last Song》时相识相恋成为男女朋友。2010年,一起出席了奥斯卡颁奖礼派对,10月分手。 2011年,两人宣布复合,2012年传出订婚消息,其后分手。
而第二次分手之后的麦粒,好似无法忘怀,将自己的音乐风格大改特改,风格大变,十分大胆,造型穿着出乎不少人的意料。 而想必看过分手歌《Wrecking Ball》MV的人都会被麦粒的大尺度出境所震惊。
2015年,麦粒和维秘天使 Stella Maxwell 私下约会照片被拍,传出出柜绯闻。2015年,麦粒和锤弟再次复合。两人复合后的感情看起来很稳定,2017年一起出席锤哥Chris Hemsworth主演的《雷神3:诸神黄昏》首映礼。虽然两人复合后的感情看起来平稳,但是以麦粒Miley Cyrus的性格来看,这份感情在她内心不以为然,更没有想结婚的想法,锤弟大概只是Booty call的关系。
编译: JAKE
In a November 2nd appearance on the Scandinavian talk show Skavlan, Miley Cyrus opened up about how she coped with grief in the wake of her divorce from Liam Hemsworth, as well as other traumatic events she’s experienced recently. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t involve crying!
When Cyrus was asked if she has become more or less emotional in recent years, Cyrus said she believes it’s the former—though “dudes [she’s] broken up with” would disagree, since she doesn’t dwell on breakups. (Or any other form of loss, for that matter.)
"I would say that there's a stigma of coldness for a woman who actually, really moves on,” Cyrus said. "But I've gone through a lot of trauma and loss in the last couple years. I had a house fire in Malibu, where I lost my house, I went through a divorce recently, my grandma who I was super close with, I lost."
In the aftermath of all that loss, Cyrus said, per Skavlan, that she “didn't spend too much time crying over it.” For her, crying simply doesn’t feel like