

1.state:to express something in speech or writing,especially in a definite or formal way.

Eg:The candidates stated their case at a series of meetings.

2.explicit:said or explained in an extremely clear way,so that you cannot doubt what is meant

Eg:explicit instructions/directions

3.elliptical:1.suggesting what you mean rather than saying or writing it clearly

2.shaped like an ellipse

Eg:He draw an elliptical ball in paper.

4.At rest:not moving

Eg:The earth is not at rest.


Eg:a non-existent problem.

6.accord with:to agree with or be the same as something else

Eg:Hemming’s account does not accord with the police evidence.

7.imply:if one thing implies another thing, the other thing is likely to exist or be true.

Eg:The presence of stairs in the ruins implies an upper floor.

8.stub:to hit your toe against something accidentally in a hard and painful way

Eg:His toe was stubbed on a stone

9.interval:a period of time between two events

Eg:The normal interval between our meetings is six weeks.

10.comparative:judged in comparison to something such a previous situation or state

Eg:We sailed into the comparative shelter of the harbour.

11.propagate:to spread an idea,a belief or a piece of information among many people

Eg:Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family.

12.ether:the air or atmosphere,especially when you are talking about it as the substance that radio,telephone,or Internet communication pass through

Eg:messages floating around in the ether

13.postulate:an idea that is an important part of a theory,argument,or explanation

14.Mass:the quantity of material that sth contains

Eg:calculating the mass of a planet.

15.intrinsic:relating to the essential qualities or features of something or someone

Eg:Providing good service is intrinsic to successful business.

16.cesium=caesium:a chemical element.Caesium is a soft silver-white metal that reacts strongly in water,used in photoelectric cells.

17.Platinum:a silver-grey metal used in industry and for making expensive jewellery

18.Travel:if light or sound travels from one place to another,it moves there

Eg:Sound travels more slowly than light.

19.coordinate:either of ten numbers or letters used to fix the position of a point on a map or graph

Eg:the x,y coordinates of any point on a line

20.specify:to explain something in an exact and detailed way

Eg:To make a claim,you must specify the date when the article was lost.





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