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  • puzzle riddle mystery enigma

    puzzle v. 使困惑It puzzles me why she said that. puzzle over 苦苦思索She was st...

  • bear bore borne born

    bear v.(过去式 : bore, 过去分词 : borne) 生(孩子)She was not able to bear children...

  • poem poetry verse

    poem n. 诗歌,韵文,具体的诗(可数) poetry n. 诗歌,诗的总称(不可数) verse n. 诗歌,韵文(不可数),更多的作为诗...

  • religion

    Bible n. 圣经,犹太教、基督教的经典 Old Testament 旧约圣经 New Testament 新约圣经 testament n...

  • baggage luggage

    What's the Difference Between Luggage and Baggage? baggage n. 行李 包袱How m...

  • alcohol

    fermented wine n. 葡萄酒 beer n. 啤酒 sake n. 清酒 distilled brandy n. 白兰地 whis...

  • wind

    storm n. 风暴,一种恶劣天气伴随着强风,雨雪,雷电等 hurricane n. 飓风,风力大大于等于12级的热带气旋(tropical ...

  • glossary of basketball terms

    数据统计 Field Goals(FG)投篮命中Field Goal Attempts(FGA)投篮出手Field Goal Percentag...

  • timber lumber

    Difference Between Lumber and Timber