240 发简信
  • 2022-11-20

    Nov20, 2022 I was trying to set up a development environment for develop...

  • Power BI 建模

    聊聊建模的那些事儿。 我们往往花了大量的时间学习DAX,花了大量的精力试图理解行上下文这些抽象的概念。甚至花更多心思绞尽脑汁的研究M语言。但实际...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    DIY: 485读取并控制Fan

    引言 Hi, 大家好。这里是金锁的科技DIY。利用软核的技术,把想法变成现实。 项目介绍 - 目标,想实现什么功能 气体传感器用途广泛,这次我们...

  • 2022-09-27

    It really takes time to develop a combined project which includes hardwa...

  • 2022-09-21

    It’s been a while since my little kid go to school. As a first-grade pup...

  • 2022-09-16

    Got a typhoon hit yesterday. Some blocks and streets got serious floodin...

  • 2022-09-14

    I’ve seen news saying that a young adult who is having depression tested...

  • 2022-09-09

    How much homework do you think a first-year student should have? My kid,...

  • 2022-09-08

    Thought I should restart preparing for the IELTS test again. I’ve attend...