240 发简信
  • 2017-10-07


  • 周六二班作业,2ed Sept

    场景单词,请记牢,at the Zoo Lion,Zebra,Giraffe,Panda,Penguim,Rhino,Hippo,Elephan...

  • 课程总结及作业,Max&Faerie,3rd Sept

    Ron的总结:This was their first time with me and I had assessed their capabi...

  • 8月26日周六10:30班学习内容

    拼读:强化K,L,M,N,O发音 拼读部分单词,Kite,Kangaroo,Lamp,Lion,Mouse,Moon,Nest,Nurse,Ox...

  • Mark,一至三次课程总结

    8月19日课程 (1)拼读J,K,L,M,拼读部分新词见课本page26-34 (2)场景 At the Farm,新词 cow,cat,dog...

  • 8月12日课程

    拼读部分新单词 Apple,Ant,Banana,Bus,Carrot,Cat,Duck,Dog,Elephant,Egg,Frog,Fish,...

  • What is pratical....

    Learn/Cook a new dishes that Sonia likes per week Study some basic Chine...