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  • 中国第三艘航母福建舰下水

    Beijing launched a new-generationaircraft carrierFriday, the first such ...

  • 上海、北京重启

    Major Chinese cities Beijing and Shanghai began to relax Covid controls ...

  • 2022美国应届毕业生的期望薪资

    以下文章来自WX公主号“英语跃进” 导读:又是一年毕业季,让我们一起看下美国应届毕业生的就业形势和他们的期望薪资。 Although the j...

  • 巴菲特解释为什么不投资比特币

    以下文章来自WX公主号“英语跃进” Bitcoin has steadily been gaining acceptance from the ...

  • What is May Day?

    May Day, celebrated by workers across the globe as International Labor D...

  • 印度在美俄间左右逢源

    以下文章来自WX公主号“英语跃进” Just last month India was taking flak from the West fo...

  • 神舟十三号顺利返回地球

    Three Chineseastronautsreturned to Earth on Saturday after six months ab...

  • 埃隆·马斯克将加入Twitter董事会

    以下文章来自WX公主号“英语跃进” Elon Musk is set to join Twitter'sboard of directors, ...

  • 威尔·史密斯辞去会员身份

    以下文章来自WX公主号“英语跃进” According to press reports, actor Will Smith has resig...