240 发简信
  • 2017-8-15

    1. frown: to make a angry, unappy, confused expression, moving ou eyebro...

  • 2017-8-14

    1.recurring: if something recurs, it happens more than onece. 2. recur:v...

  • 2017/8/3

    1. vigilant: giving careful attention to what is happening, so that you ...

  • 无标题文章

    1. sacha inchi: 印加果 2. pummeling: if you pummel someone or something, yo...

  • 无标题文章

    1. promulgate:to spread an idea or belief to as many people as possible....

  • 21 July, 2017

    1. leniency: lighting the penalty or excusing from a chore by judges par...

  • 11 July, 2017

    1. junta: a military government that has gained power by using force. 2....

  • 5 July, 2017

    1. brunt: n. to receive the worst part of an attack, criticism, bad situ...

  • 4 July, 2017

    1. hefty: a.big and heavy 肌肉发达的 a hefty amount of something, especially...