240 发简信
  • 英语“背三句”-交通堵塞

    One obvious solution would be to improve public transport so that worker...

  • 英语“背三句”-零食

    I generally prefer to eat at meal times rather than graze between meals....

  • 英语“背三句”-油价

    Across the globe, drivers are rethinking their habits and personal finan...

  • 英语“背三句”-anxiety

    During periods of anxiety, your body is filled with adrenaline. 在焦虑的时候,你...

  • 英语“背三句”-大学

    My college is a massive place with great facilities. 我的大学很大,设施很棒。 massiv...

  • 英语“背三句”-ocean

    Timothy will have oceans of problems if he doesn't find a job soon. He's...

  • 英语“背三句”-老师

    Ms. Patty was the teacher that I was most impressed about. Patty女士是我印象最深...

  • 英语“背三句”-住处

    I live with my parents in the suburbs of Madrid. 我和父母住在马德里郊区。 in the sub...

  • 英语“背三句”-运动

    I do some physical exercise on a regular basis. 我定期进行体育锻炼。 physical 身体的 ...