人本身有着巨大的能量。 最近听一场为期五天的直播课,没人的押金是600元,按要求完成打卡后是会退回的。我发现腾讯会议里有超过一千人的收听,按照每...
吾于五浊恶世,临这多情的云雨。 悟不透宇宙的秘密,不能究竟这凡尘俗世的暗语。 驻足浩瀚的银河,欲如李青莲恃才放歌,摇楫荡舟泛不起波澜,就悬停在那...
Submitted by: Natraj Korgaonkar BANGALORE, INDIAI true believer and foll...
This month, be silly and find some common ground. BYELISE PROULX| FEBRUA...
You’ve probably heard the old adage “know thyself.” Understanding yourse...
吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博见也。 Most of us have one or two areas of kn...
Meet the first black woman to own and operate a billion-dollar company i...
Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by tra...