240 发简信
  • 0156

    Away Santiana. 远行吧,Santiana。 And an old salty yank for a captain too. 还有...

  • 0155

    And an old salty yank for a captain too. 还有一个脾气火爆的美国老船长。 Along the plain...

  • 0154

    Along the plains of Mexico. 沿着墨西哥的平原航行。 Well heave her up and away we wi...

  • 0153

    So heave her up my bully bully boys. 所以升起风帆吧,我优秀的小伙子们。 Haul away, haul a...

  • 0152

    For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow. 因为航线很长,又没有狂风在刮。 And it'...

  • 0151

    Early in the morning. 一大清早。 On the wind was foul and sea ran high. 狂风大作,...

  • 0150

    So they gotta dull our shine. 所以他们想磨灭我们的光芒。 But when the dust settles in...

  • 0149

    The day has come my friend. 这一天已经来到,我的朋友。 'cause this is war. 因为这就是战争。 I...

  • 0148

    They won't take it from me. 他们不会击溃我。 But don't ever doubt yourself. 但是永远...