240 发简信
  • chapter9

    Have you thought about death or dying? How did you feel when you were th...

  • chapter6

    1. Why “we are wrong about everything”? Because everybody else all have ...

  • chapter5

    QUESTIONS 1-What does “you are always choosing”? Can you define it and g...


    QUSETIONS 1. Why happiness is a problem? Because happiness is not a solv...

  • chapter1

    感悟:对于讲the Feedback Loop 的这部分有比较深刻的印象。看了这部分就觉得我们做事情的时候我们总是习惯性地去想他的结果是怎样的,...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Dear John Day20

    覺得Savannah的人設不是很好,她一方面想幫Tim 治療,但又一直想留住John.最後John 賣了父親留給自己的東西,並以匿名的方式給Sa...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Dear John Day19


  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Dear John Day 18

    John 跟Savannah一起去見了Tim, 令John驚訝的是,他們是在醫院見到的Tim。同時還見到了Alan. Tim 的情況有點糟糕,但...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Dear John Day17
