240 发简信
  • 拥有什么性格的人才能成事

    https://www.zhihu.com/answer/3367942267 勇敢坚毅,自我控制,向上社交,执行力,不以物喜不以己悲,大局观,...

  • 单词学习70:move

    Move Don't move!别动! The bus was already moving when I jumped onto it.我跳上...

    0.1 54 0 1
  • 单词学习69:run

    Run The sheep are running.羊在奔跑。 The air conditioner is running.空调在运转。 He...

  • 单词学习68: exercise

    Exercise How often do you exercise?你多长时间锻炼一次? Horses need to be exercise...

    0.1 48 0 1
  • 单词学习67: cheat

    Cheat She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.她被控欺诈税务人员。 He che...

    0.1 61 0 1
  • 单词学习66:steal

    Steal Thieves stole jewelry worth over £10000.小偷偷走了价值1万英镑的珠宝。 I'll repor...

    0.1 65 0 1
  • 单词学习65:borrow

    Borrow Can I borrow your umbrella?我能借你的伞用一下吗? I don't like to borrow fro...

    0.1 35 0 1
  • 单词学习64:share

    Share She shares a house with other three students.她与其他三个学生同住一间房。 The co...

    0.1 91 0 2
  • 单词学习63:change

    Change I didn't have time to change clothes before the party.派对前我连换衣服的时间...

    0.4 95 0 3