unresponsive Would you do sth. ?你能不能 It's been five days of this nonsens...
Sorry but this is the best that i can do这是最优惠的价格了 lower the drive-off by...
a jar of pickles 酸黄瓜 botox肉毒 Pull back on a few things 取消一些东西 alienate s...
You can just drop me at the next / bus station Mi lasci pure alla prossi...
询问信息 1.Potrebbe dirmi gentilmente 2. Ascolti, ho un'altra domanda 3. Mi ...
影片开头,随着主角的自白,带我们坐上他的敞篷小汽车飞弛在蜿蜒似乎没有尽头的公路上,四周是广mao 的山地丘陵。眼前开阔的视野,大自然微风的吹拂,...
Come on sleepy! Get out of bed! Hi, guys We he and I first met Side note...