resilience n. 释义:the ability to become strong, happy, or successful agai...
laggard n. 释义:a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others “...
operation n. 释义:a business, company, or organization “operation”可以作可数名词也...
U-turn n. 释义:a complete change of ideas, plans etc “U-turn”是可数名词,本意是“掉头、...
status quo n. 释义:the state of a situation as it is “status quo”是不可数名词,意思...
influx n. 释义:the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of ...
landscape n. 释义:the main features of a situation or activity “landscape”...
onset n. 释义:the beginning of something, especially something bad “onset”...
mantra n. 释义:a word or phrase which is often repeated and which sometime...