记一次谈话2022.3.31 1你为什么愤怒?2儿子目前的状态3做什么?怎么做?4育儿之前,先育己 晚上儿子跑到我们床上,我们一家四口在床上有一...
1. 复习word power made easy,复习的很慢,但是学习新的章节倒是没有拉下,并且在幕布完成了所有的笔记,新课的所以练习都做过两...
L35-1:Justicewasdone The word justice is usually associated with courts ...
L34(2):Ahappydiscovery My old friend, Frank Halliday, is just such a pe...
陪儿子理发空隙,看了查理写的文章,深有感触,于是想起来要写一下上一周的复盘。 首先,听写,进行了中英互译,不过认真翻译的只有一篇。发现自己真的习...
L34(1):Ahappydiscovery Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a g...
L 32 [1]Alostship The salvage operation had been a complete failure. The...
L31-2:Alovableeccentric Dickie left the shop without a word and returned...