I wasn't aware that lunar ranging was her thing. 我怎么不知道她喜欢月面搜索
Why don't you ask her to come up? 那你怎么不叫她上来
That makes no sense. 这完全说不通啊
This is Zack. Zack, Leonard. 这是Zack Zack 这是Leonard
I didn't know you were busy. Maybe another time. 不知道你们正忙 或许下次吧
I know it sounds easy, but there's a lot of science that goes into designing them. 听起来貌似简单 但在设计当中 是包含了不少科学知识
Keep an eye out for the other one. 时刻注意另外一只
How can you be sure it won't blow up? 你怎么确定它不会爆炸
See, now this is a man for Penny. 看 这才是配得上Penny的男人
How could somebody possibly think we're going to blow up the moon? 怎么能有人觉得我们会炸掉月球
Yeah, but, think about what this presents. 话虽如此 想想这代表着什么
Penny can do better. Penny能找更好的
Have they found a match for you? 他们给你牵了吗
Signing Sheldon up for online dating. 帮Sheldon申请网上交友
Okay, we'll call that plan B. 那可以作为后备计划
How is that my fault? 这不是我的错吧
You have destroyed my ability to tolerate idiots.你毁了我容忍傻逼的能力
What's going on? 怎么回事
Put on your noise-cancelling headphones. 把你的降噪耳机戴上
Not this again. 怎么又来了
In what universe is this low-pulp? 这算哪门子少果肉
What, do you have eyes in the back of your head? 你后脑勺长眼了吗
FYI, my noise-cancelling headphones proved ineffective last night. 昨晚我的降噪耳机证明无效
Yeah, sorry about that. 不好意思
That I've heard on multiple occasions.这个我倒是听过很多次
In what universe is that lightly toasted? 这算哪门子微烤
Anyway, I was thinking tonight we could catch a movie.我在想 咱俩今晚去看场电影如何
Tonight's not great for me. 今晚我不太方便
Doesn't have to be tonight. 不一定要今晚
I'm free pretty much always. 我差不多啥时候都有空
Can we just forget it ever happened? 咱俩就当没发生过好吗
No, it's pretty well imprinted on my brain.不行 整件事几乎刻在我脑子里了
Look, I said I'm sorry. Can't you please let it go? 我都道歉了 你就别纠结这事了行吗
How am I supposed to let it go? 你说得倒轻松啊
The dating site matched a woman with Sheldon.这个约会网站找到了个适合Sheldon的女人
That was a lousy suggestion. 瞧你出的这馊主意
What are you doing here? 有何贵干
Come on, where's your scientific curiosity? 拜托 你的科学好奇心呢
Okay, how about this. 好吧 这么说吧
What's life without whimsy? 不为无益之事 何以遣有涯之生
Okay, I'm out. 好吧 我没辙了
You're bluffing. 你只是吓唬我吧
Are you willing to risk it? 你真愿意冒这个险吗
I'm really starting to think there's a double standard here. 我真的开始认为这是双重标准了
Additionally, I'm being blackmailed with a hidden dirty sock. 此外 我是被一只藏起来的脏袜子勒索了才来的
If that was slang, I'm unfamiliar with it. 那是俚语的话 我从没听说过
May I buy you a beverage? 能请你喝杯饮料吗