

W:Two men travel back from China, both head straight for the Lucky Cat emporium. What did they see? 两人均是从中国返回后,直接来到招财猫商店。他们看到了什么?

S:It's not what they saw. It's what they both brought back in those suitcases.这不是关键。关键是他们的行李里带回了什么。

W:And you don't mean duty free.你不是在说免税品吧。

S:Think about what Sebastian told us. About Van Coon, about how he stayed afloat inthemarket. 想想塞巴斯蒂安告诉我们范孔的事。他在股市上的大赚大赔。

W:Lost 5 million.损失了五百万。

S:Made it back in a week. That's how he made such easy money.一周就赚了回来。这就是他赚钱如此容易的秘密。

W:He was a smuggler. Mm.他是个走私犯。

S:Cover would have been perfect.他们的职业都是绝妙的掩护。

S:Businessman, making frequent trips to Asia. Lukis was the same, a journalist writing about China.Both of them smuggled stuff about.The Lucky Cat was their drop-off. 商人,频繁赴亚洲出差。路基斯也一样,他是报道中国的记者。他们两人都参与走私。招财猫商店就是交货的地点。

W:It doesn't make sense.If they both turn up at the shop and deliver the goods, why would someone threaten them and kill them after the event, after they'd finished the job?这说不通啊。如果他们都是来店里交货,为何会遭到威胁,事成之后还被灭口呢?

S:What if one of them was light-fingered? 也许他们之中有人手脚不干净?

W:How do you mean? 什么?

S:Stole something. Something from the hoard. 有人偷了东西。窃取了货物。

W:The killer doesn't knowwhich of them took it so threatens them both. Right. 杀手并不知道是谁,所以一并威胁他们。没错。


S:Remind me. When was the last time that it rained? It's been here since Monday. No-one's been in that flat for at least three days.帮我想想。上次下雨是什么时候?周一就放在这儿了。公寓至少空了三天。

W:Could have gone on holiday. 房主也许度假去了。

S:Do you leave your windows open whenyou go on holiday? 你去度假时会不关家里的窗户吗?


S:Someone else has been here. Somebody else broke into the flat and knocked over the vase, just like I did.有人已经来过。不光来过还打翻了花瓶,就像我一样。

W:Do you think maybe you could let me in this time? Can you not keep doing this, please?这次能放我进去了吗?你能不能别总是这样?

S:I'm not the first.之前还有人来过。


S:Somebody’s been in here before me. 有人比我先到。

W:What are you saying? 你说什么?

S:Size eight feet. Small, but...athletic.穿八号的鞋。个子不大,但很健壮。

W:I'm wasting my breath. 我真是浪费力气。

S:Small, strong hands. Our acrobat. Why didn't he close the window when he lef...? Oh, stupid, stupid! Obvious. He's still here.手不大,但很有力。那个耍杂技的。他离开时为何不关上窗子呢?我真是蠢到家了!明摆着。他还在这里。

W:Any time you want to include me...你什么时候能想得到我…


W:Oh, I'm Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone because no-one else can compete with my massive intellect!我是夏洛克福尔摩斯,我总是单枪匹马因为我的大智慧无人能敌!

S:The milk's gone off and the washing's started to smell. Somebody left here in a hurry three days ago. 牛奶变质了洗衣机里的衣服有味了。三天前有人匆忙离开。

W:Somebody? 谁?

S:Soo Lin Yao. We have to find her.姚素琳,我们得找到她。

W:How, exactly?怎么找?

S:We could start with this.就从这个开始。

W:You've gone all croaky. Are you getting a cold?你嗓子哑了。着凉了吗?

S:I'm fine. 我没事。

S:When was the last time that you saw her? 你上次见她是什么时候?

Andy: Three days ago. Here at the museum. This morning they told me she'd resigned. Just like that. Left her work unfinished.三天前。在博物馆里。今早才得知她辞职了。就这么丢下未完的工作走了。

S:What was the last thing that she did on her final afternoon?那天下午她最后在什么?

Andy: She does this demonstration for the tourists, a tea ceremony. So she would have packed up her things and just put them in here. 她给游客表演茶道。之后她得整理物品放回这里。

S:We have to get to Soo Lin Yao.我们得找到姚素琳。

W:If she’s still alive.但愿她还没死。

Raz: Sherlock!夏洛克!

W:Oh, look who it is.瞧这是谁啊。

Raz:Found something you'll like.发现了点东,你肯定喜欢。

W:Tuesday morning, all you've got to do is turn up and say the bag was yours.周二上午,你必须现身承认那袋子是你的。

S:Forget about your court date. 别再提上庭的事儿了。

S:You want to hide a tree,then a forest is the best place to do it, wouldn't you say? People would justwalk straight past, not knowing, unable to decipher the message. 如果想隐藏一棵树,森林就是绝佳的地点,你们说呢?经过的人们,绝对不会注意。也看不出隐藏其中的信息。

Raz: There. I spotted it earlier.就在那边。我之前发现的。

S:They've been here. And that's the exact same paint?他们来过这里。涂料完全一样吗?

Raz: Yeah.是的。

S:John, if we're going to decipher this code, we need to look for more evidence. 约翰,要想解开密码,就得需要更多信息。

W:Answer your phone. I've been calling you. I found it.给你打电话怎么不接。我找到了。

W:It's been painted over. I don't understand. Itwas... here. 10 minutes ago. I saw it. A whole load of graffiti. 明明满墙都是。怎么回事。刚才就在这儿。就过了十分钟。我亲眼所见。一整墙的涂鸦。

S:Somebody doesn't want me to see it.有人不想让我看到。

W:Sherlock,what are you doing…? 夏洛克,你在干嘛?

S:John,concentrate. I need you to concentrate. Close your eyes.约翰,集中精神。你要集中精神。闭上眼睛。

W:What? Why? Why? What are you doing? 干嘛?为什么?你这是做什么?

S:I need you to maximise your visualmemory. Try to picture what you saw. Can you picture it?我要你最大限度地发挥视觉记忆。把你看到的都画下来。你能画下来吗?

W:Yeah. 能。

S:Can you remember it? 记得清楚吗?

W:Yes,definitely. 当然。

S:Can you remember the pattern? 你记得图案吗?

W:Yes. 是的。

S:How much can you remember it? 能记得多少?

W:Look, don't worry. 不用担心。

S:Because the average human memory onvisual matters is only 62% accurate. 因为平均视觉记忆准确率只有六成。

W:Well,don’t worry,I remember all of it. 别紧张,我都记得。

S:Really? 真的吗?

W:At least I would, if I could get to mypockets. I took a photograph. 只要你让我够到口袋就行。我照下来了。

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