天气已经暖和起来(날씨가 따뜻합니다),外面阳光特别好,只是这个小屋子常年见不到太阳,只能到站台上的看看远处的阳光。今天到站台上看阳光的时候随手抓了一只小火车(기자)。
(It's getting warm gradually. Although plenty of sunshine outside, little through the window. Only if go out can you see the forage sunshine. When I got outside, I caught up a train. )
(Nearly at the end of the day, I handed my reports to Mr. Zeng. He advanced several requests. I have settled part of them leaving the last one handed to Mr. Zeng tomorrow.)
(A colleuge of my told me that succulent plants are easy to be planted, just put the leaf on the soil and it will grow up. )
(The third day of losing fat. )