

英文 中文
It was the hand of God that decided the outcome of battles, 是上帝决定了战斗的胜负
the fate of nations and the life or death of kings. 国家的兴衰和国王的生死
Everyone knew that. 这一点妇孺皆知
It was winter, the season of frost and death. 那是一个冬天一个充满寒冷与死亡的季节
A king lay dying. 一位国王正值弥留
His name was Edward the Confessor. 他名叫"忏悔者爱德华"
He was dying childless 国王生前无嗣
and it was far from obvious who would succeed him. 因而王位的继承变得晦暗不明
Because there was no heir, 由于没有继承人
there were many who thought they should be the next king, 觊觎王位者遍布四野
including foreign princes 这其中包括一些外国王子
like Duke William of Normandy. 比如诺曼底公爵威廉
Among those gathered round the bed of the dying Saxon king 在垂死的撒克逊国王榻前聚集的众人中
was the next most powerful man in England, 蛰伏着下一任英格兰的掌权者
Harold Godwineson 哈罗德·戈德温森
and he thought the crown would look well on his head. 他认为自己是当之无愧的继承人
He was hoping for some sign that King Edward felt the same way. 并希望爱德华国王也表示出有同样的想法
And then Edward stretched out his hand and touched Harold. 后来爱德华伸手握住了哈罗德
But was he giving him a blessing or a curse? 这究竟是祝福还是诅咒呢

Was this the hand of God making Harold king? 还是上帝要借老国王之手把王位传给哈罗德
Nobody knew for sure, 究竟何意无人知晓
but Harold had no qualms. 但哈罗德却无丝毫疑虑
Harold seized the crown. 抓住机会登上了王位
The question now was for how long would he keep it? 现在的问题是他能在这王位上坐多久
Then, in the April sky, 紧接着在四月的某一天
the hand of God showed itself as a comet, 一颗彗星传来了上帝的旨意
a hairy star, and everyone knew this was no blessing 这颗扫帚星让所有人意识到此非赐福
but an evil omen. 而是凶兆
The year was 1066. 时年1066
Historians like a quiet life 历史学家多爱平静的生活
and usually they get it. 也通常得偿所愿
For the most part, history moves at a glacial pace, 多数时候历史是在缓慢的进程中
working its changes subtly. 悄然变化着
In Britain, especially, 特别是在不列颠
we like to think there's something about our history, 我们倾向认为自己的历史向来不乏温和
like our climate, our landscape, that's naturally moderate, 比如我们的气候与地貌
not much given to earthquakes and revolutions. 没有频发的地震或剧烈的地壳运动
But there are times and places when history, British history, 但历史上不列颠的一些地方确有这种时期
comes at you with a rush, violent, 排山倒海般的剧变暴力
decisive, bloody - a truckload of trouble 果决血腥与种种
knocking you down, wiping out everything that gives you your bearings in the world: 打击与摧毁着给予人们文明举止的一切力量
law, custom, loyalty and language. 法律习俗忠诚以及语言
And this is one of those places. 这里便是其中之一
I know it doesn't look like the site of a national trauma, 我知道这里看上去并不像民族血拼之地
does it? 不是吗
Especially these days, 特别是如今
it looks more suitable for a county fair than a mass slaughter. 这里更适于乡村赶集而非大规模杀戮
But this is the battlefield of Hastings, 但这里是黑斯廷斯战役的战场
and here one kind of England was annihilated 英格兰的一个时代在此终结
and another kind of England was set up in its place. 转而开启了另一个时代
Some historians will tell you that for most people of England 有些史学家会告诉你对多数英格兰人来说
Hastings didn't matter that much, 黑斯廷斯之战并没有那么重要
that 1066 was mostly a matter of 1066年的改变不过是
replacing Saxon lords with Norman knights. 诺曼骑士取代了撒克逊王族
Peasants still ploughed their fields and paid taxes to the king, 农民们仍一如既往地耕地纳税
prayed to avoid poverty and pestilence 祈求远离贫困与瘟疫
and watched the seasons roll round. 年复一年经历着四季更迭
But the everyday can rub shoulders with the genuinely catastrophic. 却无一天不面临着灭顶的危险
Yes, the grass grew green again, 诚然野草会逢春再绿

but now there were bones beneath the buttercups 但在毛茛之下却埋着皑皑白骨
and an entire governing class of the English had been dispossessed, 整个英格兰统治阶级退出了历史舞台
their men, land and animals taken from them 他们的臣民土地和牲畜都被夺走
and given as spoils to the victorious foreigners. 成为了获胜的外来侵略者的战利品
You could survive and still be English 你可能幸存下来依然是个英格兰人
but now you belonged to an inferior race, the conquered. 但却成为一个劣等民族被征服的民族
You lived in England but it was no longer your country. 你仍在此生活但英格兰却不再是你的国家
Anglo-Saxon England was no stranger to invasions. 对于侵略盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰并不陌生
Viking raids had been part of life for a century, 维京海盗的劫掠已融入其生活长达一个世纪
but since the days of Alfred the Great, 但自从阿尔弗雷德大帝时代之后
it was a country stable enough to soak them up. 对这足够稳定的国家而言这些已无关痛痒
Longboats came and went 维京战船时时来犯
but still the king's law ran the shires. 却未能动摇王令于全国的威信
His churches and abbeys were built more beautifully than ever, 国王的教堂和修道院建得比往日更加美丽
and a town that would one day be called London 一个日后被称为伦敦的小镇
was beginning to grow and prosper on the banks of the Thames. 也开始在泰晤士河畔兴盛繁荣起来
Then one invasion succeeded where the others had failed, 在不断入侵失败后终于迎来了一次成功
and there was a Viking on the throne. 一个维京海盗登上了王位
His name was Canute, 他名叫卡纽特
卡纽特大帝(995-1035) [英格兰丹麦挪威及部份瑞典的维京国王]
the man we remember for trying to hold back the tides. 在人们的印象中他是一个能力挽狂澜的人
While he turned Anglo-Saxon England 尽管他将盎格鲁撒克逊人的英格兰
into part of his vast maritime empire, 变成了他庞大海洋帝国的一部分
he went out of his way to change nothing. 但他并没有刻意去改变什么
He even chose as his closest advisor 他甚至选择了最具权势的
one of the most powerful Anglo-Saxon nobles, 盎格鲁撒克逊贵族之一
Godwine, Earl of Wessex, 韦塞克斯伯爵戈德温作为亲信谋臣
a scheming, ruthless man. 一个阴险残忍的人
Godwine became virtual co-ruler with Canute 戈德温实际上成为了卡纽特的副手
over what was still recognisably Anglo-Saxon England. 统治着依稀可见盎格鲁撒克逊风貌的英格兰
But with Canute's death in 1035 began a chain of events 1035年卡纽特的死引发了一系列事件
that would culminate in the one invasion 并最终以一次入侵而告终
that Anglo-Saxon England would be unable to swallow. 盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰是无法被吞并的
And what a saga it was. 多么气势磅礴的英雄史诗啊
It started with a bloody and unsparing fight for Canute's throne 一切始于精英阶级为争夺王位而展开的一场
amongst the surviving elite. 血腥而残酷的战争
Treachery, murder and mutilation were par for the course. 背叛谋杀和残害成为了常态
The last man standing with any kind of claim to the throne 而伫立到最后夺得王位的
was a descendant of Alfred the Great, 是阿尔弗雷德大帝的后裔
a prince of the Saxon royal house. 一位撒克逊王室家族的王子
He was called Edward. 他名叫爱德华
He would become forever known as The Confessor. 后以"忏悔者"而闻名于后世
He was crowned on Easter Day, 1043. 他在1043年的复活节加冕
But he inherited more than just the crown. 但他继承的不仅仅是这顶王冠
He also got Earl Godwine, in no mood to lose power 还有不想因新王上位
just because there was a new king. 而失去弃权力的戈德温伯爵
But unlike Canute, Edward had good reason 但和卡纽特不一样爱德华有充分的理由
to hate the right-hand man forced on him, 憎恨这位得力却无法摆脱之人
for Godwine had arranged his older brother's murder. 因为戈德温策划谋杀了爱德华的哥哥
But there was nothing he could do about his bloodstained rival, 但他却不能惩治这位双手沾满血腥的政敌
not yet anyway. 至少现在不能
King Edward knew that Godwine held the keys to the kingdom. 爱德华国王知道戈德温手中握有实权
When Godwine offered Edward his daughter in marriage, 当戈德温提出把女儿嫁给爱德华时
what could he do but take her? 除了答应以外他还能怎么办呢
Godwine was not Edward's only problem. 戈德温并不是爱德华面对的唯一难题
He also got to learn how to govern a country he knew little about, 他还得学着治理一个对其知之甚少的国家
for he'd grown up in exile in a very different world 因为他成长于流放地一个截然不同的世界
across the English Channel in Normandy. 英吉利海峡对岸的诺曼底
We tend to think of Edward the Confessor 我们倾向于把忏悔者爱德华看作
as the quintessential Anglo-Saxon king. 一个典型的盎格鲁撒克逊国王
In fact, 事实上
he was almost as Norman as William the Conqueror. 他几乎与征服者威廉一样是个诺曼人
After all, his mother Emma was a Norman 他的母亲爱玛是诺曼人
and he'd lived here in Normandy for 30 years, 在撒克逊与丹麦战争的硝烟中
ever since she'd brought him as a child refugee 把他扮作难民童带出逃亡至诺曼底
from the wars between the Saxons and the Danes. 自那以后他便在此生活了三十年
But Normandy was not just an asylum for Edward, 但诺曼底不仅仅是爱德华的避难所
it was the place which formed him politically and culturally. 还培养了他在政治和文化方面的才能
His mother tongue was Norman French. 他的母语是诺曼法语
His virtual godfathers were the formidable Dukes of Normandy. 他真正的教父是那些令人敬畏的诺曼底公爵
The Normans were descendants of Viking raiders, 诺曼人是维京海盗的后裔
but had long since traded in their longboats for powerful war-horses. 但在很久以前就把战船换成了强大的战马
The Duchy of Normandy was in no sense just a piece of France. 诺曼底公国绝非仅为法国的一部分
Though the Dukes did formal homage to the kings of France, 尽管公爵在正式礼仪上效忠法国国王
in every other way, they were fiercely independent, 但在其它方面他们是完全独立的
possessed of castles, patrons of churches. 拥有自己的城堡与自己资助的教堂
These warlords were constantly in the saddle 这些军阀常年马不解鞍地四处征战
imposing their will on vassals, 将其意愿强加于诸侯
fighting off revolts and forging shaky coalitions. 平定叛乱缔结摇摇欲倾的盟约
But the duchy was also humming with energetic piety. 公国也忙于各种虔诚的宗教活动
In the 11th century, 在11世纪
handsome stone monasteries and churches 拥有罗马式拱形结构的
with Romanesque arches 漂亮的石砌修道院和教堂
began to appear. 开始出现
And the first grandiose stone castles, 最早的宏伟壮丽的石砌城堡
as tough as the Norman lords who'd built them, 如建造它们的诺曼王族一般坚毅
became part of the landscape. 成为了这风景一部分
So until the throne of England tempted him back 直到英格兰王位之争诱惑着三十六岁的他
across the Channel at the age of 36, 横跨英吉利海峡回归祖国
this was Edward's home, 这里就是爱德华的家
and while he was here a child was growing up 在此一个孩童长大成人
who would change the course of British history. 并将改写不列颠的历史
It was at the site of this castle at Falles in 1027 1027年就是在法莱斯的这座城堡里
that William, known to his contemporaries though not to his face 威廉这个被时人私下称为
as William the Bastard, was born. "私生子威廉"的人出生了
He was the illegitimate son of the Duke Robert of Normandy 他是诺曼底公爵罗贝尔一世
and the daughter of a tanner called Ellave. 和一个名叫艾尔莱芙的鞋匠女儿的私生子
And in the cut-throat world of feudal Normandy, 在封建的诺曼底这个弱肉强食的世界里
it was important that he learn, and quickly, how to survive. 对他来说迅速学会如何生存比什么都重要
He was only a child when his father died on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 当他父亲死在朝圣的路上时他还只是个孩子
leaving William, just eight years old, as his heir, 年仅八岁的的威廉成为了爵位的继承人


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