On Writing Well~chapter3&4~Day2


Clutter is the laborious phrase that has pushed out the short word that means the same thing.

If you describe a task or a job laborious,you mean it takes a lot of efforts and times.

Eg. Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.

2.Go belly up
Companies that go belly-up have “a negative cash-flow position.”

To break,to fail to function(malfunction),to die,to fall apart


Eg.Sorry, Mark, I'd love to give you a lift to the airport, but my car has gone belly up on me again.

Eg2.It looks like our co-op might be going belly-up if we aren't granted a license for our communal work premises.

By using a more pompous phrase in his professional role he not only sounds more important; he blunts the painful edge of truth.
We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.

If you describe someone pompous,you mean they behave seriously because they think they are more important than they really are.


Eg. The service was grand without being pompous.

I could go on quoting examples from various fields—every profession has its growing arsenal of jargon to throw dust in the eyes of the populace.

A arsenal is a large collection of weapons,military and so on.

Eg.Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.

Growing arsenal of Sth:a large amount of?

Also see:populace[formal]. The same as people but formal.

throw dust in the eyes of the populace...(好狠...)

Can any thought be expressed with more economy?

Economy is a use of the minimum amount of time,money,effort to achieve something without wasted.

Saving 节约,经济,以最少的文字达到最足够的表达

Eg. There was mostly silence. I have never known such economy with words.

Eg. improvements in the fuel economy of cars...

Eg.Buying cheap shoes is a false economy.

This is the problem of writers who set out deliberately to garnish their prose.

(1).A garnish is formed by herbs,chops of fruit or flowers to decorate the cooked food.

Eg. a garnish of chopped raw onion, tomato and fresh coriander...

(2).To garnish something is to decorate the cooked food by using the herbs,chops of fruit or so on.

Eg.She had finished the vegetables and was garnishing the roast.

.    Garnish their prose 添油加醋,不必要的装饰

You think how august it will look in print. You think of all the people who will read it.

If you describe someone or something August,you think they are dignified or impressive.

【Eg.】the august presence of the monarch.

【记】august(n 八月)(八月是太阳最高、最威严的时候)





这一章感触很深,作者先是用造房子和假发这两个例子告诉我们,首先要追求准确精炼的表达,再形成自己的风格。我感觉作者所说的风格指的是我们的个性,我们自己的观点和看法。所以他极力推荐我们在写文章的时候要自信地表达自己,尽管在很多时候不能用第一人称,但是行文中也要融入自己的想法。这才是真正的风格,真正的style 吧。

Writing is an act of ego, and you might as well admit it. Use its energy to keep yourself going.



On Writing Well Day2



1\. Fighting clutter is like fighting weeds — the writer is always slightly behind. New varieties sprout overnight, and by noon they are part of American speech.

从“草”来作比喻在中英文里都很常见,尤其是常用蒲公英这种植物。例如Procrastination一书中写道:Procrastination is like a dandelion. You pull it up and think you've got it, but then it turns out the roots are so deep, it just grows back.

> So much for early warnings about the bloated monsters that lie in ambush for the writer trying to put together a clean English sentence.

2\. By using a more **pompous** phrase in his professional role he not only sounds more important.

后面还出现了同义词gaudy, tinseled。

> You will reach for gaudy similes and tinseled adjectives, as if “style were something you could buy at the style store and drape onto your words in bright decorator colors.

3\.Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, **question-begging **and sheer cloudy vagueness.

question-begging来自beg a question,意思是“认为问题已获解决而绕过问题“,在这里是故意逃避问题,打太极的意思。

4\. You think that it must have the solid weight of authority. You think that its style must dazzle. **No wonder** you tighten.

no wonder表示“难怪”,这个句型很实用,它的基本形式是(it’s) little/no/small/wonder (that),it is…that常被省略。进了咱们这个群之后你发现Eric是个非常可爱的人,no wonder everyone likes him🤢.

# 写作&赏析

1\. Take the adjective “personal,” as in “a personal friend of mine,” “his personal feeling” or “her personal physician.

如果我们来写这个句子的话,我们可能写成take something as an example,这里只用了一个take。我们学习到:可以直接用take来举例。当我们想用for example, for instance的时候,试一试take这个词。


> Or take a writer who is almost White’s opposite in terms of style.

2\. **There are as many kinds of writer’s block as there are kinds of writers**, and I have no intention of trying to untangle them.

There are as many A as there are B,表示“有多少A,就有多少B“,这个句型简单易懂,但是我们可能想不到可以这样写,在口语表达中可能也不能快速地用它造句。这样的句子我们多找几个例句,自己仿写、造句,记得会更牢。例如我想到:There are as many kinds of interpretations towards a book as there are readers. 我们想表达“人与人之间的观点不同”是不是就可以说There are as many opinions as there are people

3\. Companies that go belly-up have a negative cash-flow position.

当我们说一个词用得好的时候,我总结原因有三点:1. 准确 2. 形象 3. 节奏美。这里的belly-up就附和着三点。这里的belly-up可以换成bankrupt,但是它不如belly-up有画面感。另外,belly-up和后面的cash-flow节奏一致,使得这段话读起来很舒服。

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