之前看到安妮斯顿和Justin Theroux离婚的消息还是蛮可惜的,2月16日他们正式对外宣布离婚。相比之前和皮特分手的混乱局面,这一次索性来个快刀斩乱麻。
之前看到有个花絮,安妮斯顿在片场休息,突然响起来《I will be there for you》的音乐,她顿时忍不住大哭起来。
"It's likethe ebb and flow of every relationship," Aniston says. "It's hard;
it gets easy; itgets fun again. What's hard to sustain is some ideal that it'
s perfect.That's ridiculous. What's fantastic about marriage is getting through those ebbsand flows with the same person, and looking across the room and saying, 'I'mstill here. And I still love you.' You re-meet, reconnect. You have marriageswithin marriages within marriages. That's what I love about marriage. That's whatI want in marriage. It's unfortunate, but we live in a very disposablesociety. Those moments where it looks like 'Uh-oh, this isn't working!'—those arethe most important, transformative moments. Most couples draw up divorce paperswhen they're missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenmentand connection."
She sighsheavily and turns away to light a Merit cigarette. "That's not Brad's view ofit," she says, glum again. "We believe in different things, I guess.
You can't forcea relationship, even if it's your view of how you would like
it to beconducted. Obviously two people leave a relationship because there's a differentthought pattern happening. My goal is to try and achieve a very deep, committedrelationship. That's what I'm interested in, but it's someone's prerogative tobe or not to be in or out of a relationship.