柯达最近看来生意还不错,在复产经典胶片 Ektachrome 之后,又在最近发布了一本新的杂志「Kodachrome」,这本以柯达经典胶片命名的杂志难道会预示着这款经典胶片即将复活?
杂志封面上的主题「art, film and analog culture」看起来就是这么的文艺逼格满满。而且杂志封面故意做了做旧处理,看起来又有那么些沧桑感。
目前第一期已经上市,包含 76 页内容,以下是第一期的目录:
Chloë Sevigny on film, felines, shooting fairytales and taking the director’s chair
Isaac Julien on the virtue of film for inspiring, making and preserving art
Tad Carpenter on the power of the pencil
Max McSimov on the beautiful truth behind folk songs – with the help of his Super 8
Print is Dead is Dead: why independent magazine culture is booming(估计这篇才是重点:「纸质书已死这个说法已死:为何独立杂志持续蓬勃发展」)
The Hepworths: one of Europe’s most iconic art family dynasties laid bare
Lost in Color: why the light, bright world of yellow is a lot murkier than it seems
Music to Your Eyes: how gig posters bring out a designer’s most creative side
看着就想要买,虽然售价要 20 美刀,也挡不住充值信仰的决心,但是唯一的问题也是最大的烦恼就是,这本杂志只在美国发售。