


void Sprite::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags)
    if (_texture == nullptr)

    // Don't calculate the culling if the transform was not updated
    auto visitingCamera = Camera::getVisitingCamera();
    auto defaultCamera = Camera::getDefaultCamera();
    if (visitingCamera == defaultCamera) {
        _insideBounds = ((flags & FLAGS_TRANSFORM_DIRTY) 
          || visitingCamera->isViewProjectionUpdated()) 
          ? renderer->checkVisibility(transform, _contentSize) : _insideBounds;
        // XXX: this always return true since
        _insideBounds = renderer->checkVisibility(transform, _contentSize);



        auto count = _polyInfo.triangles.indexCount/3;
        auto indices = _polyInfo.triangles.indices;
        auto verts = _polyInfo.triangles.verts;
        for(ssize_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
            //draw 3 lines
            Vec3 from =verts[indices[i*3]].vertices;
            Vec3 to = verts[indices[i*3+1]].vertices;
            _debugDrawNode->drawLine(Vec2(from.x, from.y), 
              Vec2(to.x,to.y), Color4F::WHITE);

            from =verts[indices[i*3+1]].vertices;
            to = verts[indices[i*3+2]].vertices;
            _debugDrawNode->drawLine(Vec2(from.x, from.y), 
              Vec2(to.x,to.y), Color4F::WHITE);

            from =verts[indices[i*3+2]].vertices;
            to = verts[indices[i*3]].vertices;
            _debugDrawNode->drawLine(Vec2(from.x, from.y), 
              Vec2(to.x,to.y), Color4F::WHITE);
void TrianglesCommand::init(float globalOrder, GLuint textureID, 
GLProgramState* glProgramState, BlendFunc blendType,
const Triangles& triangles,const Mat4& mv, uint32_t flags)
    CCASSERT(glProgramState, "Invalid GLProgramState");
    CCASSERT(glProgramState->getVertexAttribsFlags() == 0, \
      "No custom attributes are supported in QuadCommand");

    RenderCommand::init(globalOrder, mv, flags);

    _triangles = triangles;
    if(_triangles.indexCount % 3 != 0)
        int count = _triangles.indexCount;
        _triangles.indexCount = count / 3 * 3;
        CCLOGERROR("Resize indexCount from %zd to %zd, \
          size must be multiple times of 3", count, _triangles.indexCount);
    _mv = mv;
    if( _textureID != textureID || _blendType.src != blendType.src
    || _blendType.dst != blendType.dst ||
       _glProgramState != glProgramState)
        _textureID = textureID;
        _blendType = blendType;
        _glProgramState = glProgramState;

  • 采用"服务器端"(负责具体的绘制渲染)+"客户端"(负责向服务器端发送绘图指令)的方式进行渲染。

  • 初始化 渲染指令TrianglesCommand-_trianglesCommand,设置ZOrder、纹理、OpenGL状态、颜色混合模式、贴图渲染的方式、顶点坐标、纹理坐标以及顶点颜色等。

  • renderer->addCommand(&_trianglesCommand);将渲染指令加入render渲染列表,等待下一帧主循环mainLoop调用绘制Director::drawScene()来渲染_renderer->render();








void Node::visit(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, 
                 uint32_t parentFlags)
    // quick return if not visible. children won't be drawn.
    if (!_visible)

    uint32_t flags = processParentFlags(parentTransform, parentFlags);

    // To ease the migration to v3.0, we still support the Mat4 stack,
    // but it is deprecated and your code should not rely on it
    bool visibleByCamera = isVisitableByVisitingCamera();

    int i = 0;

        // draw children zOrder < 0
        for(auto size = _children.size(); i < size; ++i)
            auto node = _children.at(i);

            if (node && node->_localZOrder < 0)
                node->visit(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags);
        // self draw
        if (visibleByCamera)
            this->draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags);

        for(auto it=_children.cbegin()+i, itCend = _children.cend(); 
            it != itCend; ++it)
            (*it)->visit(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags);
    else if (visibleByCamera)
        this->draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags);

    // FIX ME: Why need to set _orderOfArrival to 0??
    // Please refer to https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6920
    // reset for next frame
    // _orderOfArrival = 0;




Mat4 Node::transform(const Mat4& parentTransform)
    return parentTransform * this->getNodeToParentTransform();
const Mat4& Node::getNodeToParentTransform() const
    if (_transformDirty)
        // Translate values
        float x = _position.x;
        float y = _position.y;
        float z = _positionZ;
        if (_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition)
            x += _anchorPointInPoints.x;
            y += _anchorPointInPoints.y;
        bool needsSkewMatrix = ( _skewX || _skewY );

        // Build Transform Matrix = translation * rotation * scale
        Mat4 translation;
        //move to anchor point first, then rotate
        Mat4::createTranslation(x, y, z, &translation);
        Mat4::createRotation(_rotationQuat, &_transform);
        if (_rotationZ_X != _rotationZ_Y)
            // Rotation values
            // Change rotation code to handle X and Y
            // If we skew with the exact same value for both x and y then we're simply just rotating
            float radiansX = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotationZ_X);
            float radiansY = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotationZ_Y);
            float cx = cosf(radiansX);
            float sx = sinf(radiansX);
            float cy = cosf(radiansY);
            float sy = sinf(radiansY);
            float m0 = _transform.m[0], m1 = _transform.m[1], m4 = _transform.m[4], m5 = _transform.m[5], m8 = _transform.m[8], m9 = _transform.m[9];
            _transform.m[0] = cy * m0 - sx * m1, _transform.m[4] = cy * m4 - sx * m5, _transform.m[8] = cy * m8 - sx * m9;
            _transform.m[1] = sy * m0 + cx * m1, _transform.m[5] = sy * m4 + cx * m5, _transform.m[9] = sy * m8 + cx * m9;
        _transform = translation * _transform;

        if (_scaleX != 1.f)
            _transform.m[0] *= _scaleX, _transform.m[1] *= _scaleX, _transform.m[2] *= _scaleX;
        if (_scaleY != 1.f)
            _transform.m[4] *= _scaleY, _transform.m[5] *= _scaleY, _transform.m[6] *= _scaleY;
        if (_scaleZ != 1.f)
            _transform.m[8] *= _scaleZ, _transform.m[9] *= _scaleZ, _transform.m[10] *= _scaleZ;
        // FIXME:: Try to inline skew
        // If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
        if (needsSkewMatrix)
            float skewMatArray[16] =
                1, (float)tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_skewY)), 0, 0,
                (float)tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_skewX)), 1, 0, 0,
                0,  0,  1, 0,
                0,  0,  0, 1
            Mat4 skewMatrix(skewMatArray);
            _transform = _transform * skewMatrix;

        // adjust anchor point
        if (!_anchorPointInPoints.isZero())
            // FIXME:: Argh, Mat4 needs a "translate" method.
            // FIXME:: Although this is faster than multiplying a vec4 * mat4
            _transform.m[12] += _transform.m[0] * -_anchorPointInPoints.x + _transform.m[4] * -_anchorPointInPoints.y;
            _transform.m[13] += _transform.m[1] * -_anchorPointInPoints.x + _transform.m[5] * -_anchorPointInPoints.y;
            _transform.m[14] += _transform.m[2] * -_anchorPointInPoints.x + _transform.m[6] * -_anchorPointInPoints.y;

    if (_additionalTransform)
        // This is needed to support both Node::setNodeToParentTransform() and Node::setAdditionalTransform()
        // at the same time. The scenario is this:
        // at some point setNodeToParentTransform() is called.
        // and later setAdditionalTransform() is called every time. And since _transform
        // is being overwritten everyframe, _additionalTransform[1] is used to have a copy
        // of the last "_transform without _additionalTransform"
        if (_transformDirty)
            _additionalTransform[1] = _transform;

        if (_transformUpdated)
            _transform = _additionalTransform[1] * _additionalTransform[0];

    _transformDirty = _additionalTransformDirty = false;

    return _transform;





方法 | 描述
-- |
CCAffineTransform nodeToParentTransform() | 获取节点相对于父节点的变换矩阵
CCAffineTransform parentToNodeTransform() | 获取父节点相对于节点的变换矩阵
CCAffineTransform nodeToWorldTransform() | 获取节点相对于世界坐标系的变换矩阵
CCAffineTransform worldToNodeTransform() | 获取世界坐标系相对于节点的变换矩阵
CCPoint convertToNodeSpace(const CCPoint& worldPoint) | 把世界坐标系中的点坐标转换到节点坐标系
CCPoint convertToWorldSpace(const CCPoint& nodePoint) | 把节点坐标系中的点坐标转换到世界坐标系
CCPoint convertToNodeSpaceAR(const CCPoint& worldPoint) | 把世界坐标系中的点坐标转换到节点坐标系(相对于锚点)
CCPoint convertToWorldSpaceAR(const CCPoint& nodePoint) | 把节点坐标系中的点坐标(相对于锚点)转换到世界坐标系
CCPoint convertTouchToNodeSpace(CCTouch * touch) | 获取触摸点在节点坐标系中的坐标
CCPoint convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(CCTouch * touch) | 获取触摸点在节点坐标系中的坐标(相对于锚点)


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