New Concept English II - lesson 31

问题一: 如何表达“骑自行车”*?

-ride bicycle.

问题二: 如何表达“救某人的命?

-save sb's life.


1. retire v. 退休

-The man who retired last year likes walking with his wife along the river bank on fine afternoons.
-The man rowing on the river has just retired.
-The man putting up the tent retired last summer.

2. company n. 公司

-He has worked for this business company for ten years.
-When he was still working for that company, he liked walking in the park near his company.
-This is the biggest company I've ever worked for.

3. bicycle n. 自行车

-He might have been riding a bicycle.
-He is really interested in riding a bicycle.
-Both my father and my brother pretend that they like bicycle.

4. save v. 存钱

-He saved money for years.
-My mother is keen on saving money.
-The man who saved money for years had trouble finding his bank card.
-save sb's life 救某人的命

5. workshop n. 工作室

-The workshop which was stolen last night belongs to Leo.
-They put out the fire in the workshop in the end.

6. helper n. 助手

-The boss has employed a helper for me.
-The helper who I fired last winter works for a big company now.
-That guy complains about his helper every day.

7. employ v. 雇佣

-employee n. 雇员
-employer n. 雇主
-My boss employed five people.
-My boss employes five people.

8. grandson n. 孙子

-His grandson wakes up at 6 o'clock.
-I had receive a letter from my grandson.


-结构:(didn't) used to do 过去常做,现在不做
-He used to smoke. VS He doesn't smoke.
-I used to be a student.
-I used to live in Auckland.
-I used to play basketball.
-My mother used to work in construction site.
-I used to cook everyday.
-My father didn't used to talk with us.
S1:This building is now a drug store.
S2: It used to be a cinema.
S3: She used to have long hair when she was a girl.
S4: I don't drink now, but I used to drink.
-I used to play games eveyday.

Repetition drill:

  1. Don't you smoke?
    -I used to smoke, but I don't smoke any more.

  2. Aren't you a policeman?
    -No, I used to be a policeman, but I'm not a policeman any more.

  3. Isn't he your friend?
    -No, he used to be my friend, but he isn't my friend any more.

  1. Don't you live in London?
    -No, I used to live London, but I am not live in London any more.

  2. Isn't he a businessman?
    -No, he used to be a businessman, but he isn't a businessman any more.

  3. Don't they employ a hundred people?
    -No, the used to employ a hundred people, but they don't employ a hundred any more.

  4. Don't you have a car?
    -No, I used to have a car, but I don't have a car any more.

  5. Doesn't he collect stamps?
    -No, he used to collect stamps, but he doesn't collect any more.

  6. Isn't this a village?
    -No, it used to be a village, but it isn't a village any more.

  7. Isn't she a nurse?
    -No, she used to be a nurse, but she isn't a nurse any more.

Rattern drill:

  1. at lunchtime-shopping
    S1: What were you doing at lunchtime? I was looking for you everywhere.
    S2: I was shopping.

  2. at two o'clock-having lunch/reading
    S1: What were you doing at two o'clock? I was looking for you everywhere?
    S2: I was reading.

  3. this morning-seeing the doctor/working
    S1: What were you doing this morning? I was looking for you everywhere.
    S2: I was working.

  4. on Saturday-resting/out walking
    S1: What were you doing on Sunday? I was looking for you everywhere.
    S2: I was resting.

  5. yesterday-fishing/writing my book
    S1: What were you doing yesterday? I was looking for you everywhere.
    S2: I was fishing.

  6. rain-returned from work
    S1: When did it begin to rain?
    S2: It was just beginning to rain when I returned from work.

  7. snow-got up/ went out this morning
    S1: When did it snow?
    S2: It was just beginning to snow when I got up.

  8. get dark-came in/ put the car away
    S1: When did it get dark?
    S2: It was just beginning when I put the car away.

  9. rain-arrived home/ left the office
    S1: When did it rain?
    S2: It was just beginning rain when I left office.

  10. get windy- finished work/ phoned you
    S1: When did it get windy?
    S2: It was just beginning get windy when I finished work.

  11. collect stamps
    S1: Do you collect stamps?
    S2: I used to, but I don't any longer.

  12. ride a bicycle/ travel a lot
    S1: Do you ride bicycle?
    S2: I used to, but I don't any longer.

  13. make your own clothes/ watch television
    S1: Do you watch television?
    S2: I used to , but I don't any longer.

  14. like Mary/ write poetry
    S1:Do you like Mary?
    S2: I used to, but I don't any longer.

  15. go to concerts/ use a typewriter
    S1: Do you like go to concerts?
    S2: I used to, but I don't any longer.

  16. taxi driver
    S1: I used to be a taxi driver.
    S2: Did you really? I don't even know you could drive!

  17. part-time actor/ professional dancer
    S1: I used to be a part-time actor.
    S2: Did you really? I don't even know you could be a actor.

  18. good swimmer/ tell the story
    S1: I used to be a good swimmer.
    S2: Did you really? I don't even know you could swim.

  19. opera singer/ art teacher
    S1: I used to be a opera singer.
    S2: Did you really? I didn't even know you could sing.


Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experience as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the smell workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle.


1. It is/was sb's job to do sth. 某事是某人的工作

-It is my job to clean this whole building.
-It's my mother's job to sell breakfast.
-It was my job to teach English.

2. in sb's twenties 在某人二十多岁的时候

-I used to play basketball in my twenties.
-She decided to go to New York in her twenties.
-My mother used to work for a farm in her twenties.


1. Who were you talking to yesterday afternoon?


2. What was he telling you about?

-His experience as a young man.

3. What is Frank now head of?

-A very large business company.

4. Where did he work as a boy?

-In a small shop.

5. What was his job?

-To repair bicycles.

6. Did he use to work long hours?

-Yes, he did.

7. Did he save his money or spend it?


8. What did he buy with his money?

-A small workshop.

9. When did he buy it?

-In 1958.

10. What did he do in his twenties?

-He use to make spare parts for aeroplanes.

11. How many helpers did he have then?


12. How many people did he employed in a few years?

-Seven hundred and twenty-eight.

13. What had his small workshop become?

-A large factory.

14. Frank has been successful, hasn't he?

-Yes, he has.

Asking questions:

1. Ask me if I was with Frank Hawkins yesterday afternoon.

-Who was with Frank Hawkins yesterday afternoon?
-Who was you with yesterday afternoon?
-When was you with Frank Hawkins?

2. He was describing his experience as a young man.(what)(when)(who)

-What was he describing?
-When was he describing his experience as?**
-Who was describing his experience as a young man?

3. He's now head of a business company.(what)

-What is he now head of?

4. It's very large.(how big)(what)

-How big is it?
-What is it very large?

5. He used to work in a small shop as a boy.(where)(when)(who)

-Where did he use to work as a boy?
-When did he use to work in a small shop?
-Who used to work in a small shop as a boy.

6. He repaired bicycles.(what)(where)

-What did he repair?
-Where did he repair bicycle?

7. He used to work fourteen hours a day.(how many)(who)

-How many hours a day did he used to work?
-Who used to work fourteen hours a day?

8. He saved money for years.(How long)

-How long did he save money?

9. He bought a small workshop.(what)

-What did he buy?

Tell the story:

1. Yesterday-Frank-experiences

-Yesterday afternoon, Frank Hawkins were telling me about his experiences as a young man.

2. now-head of-boy-small shop

-Now he is the head of a big business company, but as a boy, he used to work in a small shop.

3. repair bicycles-14 hours a day

-It was his job to repair bicycle and at that time he used to work 14 hours a day.

4. saved-1958-workshop of his own

-He saved money for years, in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.

5. in his twenties-spare parts-aeroplanes

-In his twenties he used to make spare parts for aperoplanes.

6. that time-two helpers

-At that time, he had two helpers.

7. a few years-large factory-728 people

-In a few years, it had became a large factory which employed 738 people.

8. smiled-early years-long-success

-He smiled when he remembered his hard early years and long road to success.

9. still smiling-wife came

-He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in.

10. wanted-repair-son's bicycle

-She wanted he to repair their grandson's bicycle.

Summary writing:

Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins were talking me about his experiences as a young man. His first job was to repair bicycles. Because he saved money for years, he bought a small workshop for himself, at that time he used to make spare parts for aeroplanes and he had two helpers. In a few years, the workshop had became a large company which he is the head of. At last he remembered his hard early years and long road to success, his wife asked him to repair their grandson's bicycle.

Topics for discussion:

1. Describe some of the things you used to do when you were young.
2. What qualities must a person have to build up a successful business?
3. What kind of success would you like to have in life? Talk about it.
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