质子教授节目要重新开拍,Sheldon对这个童年时期的偶像节目有很深的情结,他决定录制试镜视频参与选角。然而他选择的要么是需要放射性物质的实验,要么是高难度的公式推导,大家看了之后都无话可说。Sheldon还找Wil Wheaton教自己表演,不过最后结果出来Wil将出演质子教授。他难以接受,上门找Wil让他拒绝,Wil没理他,Sheldon十分丧气地在梦中见到质子教授的原扮演者,认为自己辜负了他。
And I'm done. 我不吃了
Jokes on you. It worked. 哈哈 我不是把到你了吗
You should put that on your audition tape. 你该把这句话放进试镜视频里
You doing okay? 你还好吗
This isn't a big deal. Stop whining. 这没什么大不了的 别叽歪了
Hang on, I have a question. 我有个问题
So, what do you think? 你们觉得如何呢
I don't know what to say. 我不知道说什么
That's what you used to tell me to say to Penny after one of her terrible plays. 你以前也教过我用这话应付Penny 就在看完她难看的表演后
Well, what was wrong with it? 所以问题出在哪呢
You know, I hadn't really thought of it that way. 我还没这么想过呢
Obviously, I'd be happy to help you out. 我当然很乐意帮助你
I don't know what to say. 我无言以对
What's up? 怎么了
Would you give me Patrick Stewart's number? 你能给我那谁的电话吗
Wanted to check in and see how you two were doing. 就想过来看看你们俩怎么样了
You don't seem like much of a baby person. 你看起来不太像是喜欢小娃娃的人
It would be a big help. 那可真是帮了大忙了
Indians aren't too big on birth control. 印度人不是很喜欢计划生育
You and me getting to spend a couple of days in bed together. 你我有机会一起在床上赖几天
I don't think so. 我不同意
I doubt it. 我深表怀疑
That was very persuasive. 这番话很有说服力
Honestly, it doesn't feel very different. 老实说 感觉没什么不同
What are you doing here? 你怎么来了
And now you also get to see an annoyed blonde walk into the room. 你也能看到一个气鼓鼓的金发妞走进来
What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢