标题:Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks
- 非极大值抑制:Non-Maximum Suppression, NMS
参考:非极大值抑制(Non-Maximum Suppression,NMS)
比如在下图中,假设5个框是人脸的概率由高到低排序为ABCDE。对于A,检查BCDE中是否有与A的IOU(交并比)>阈值的(如BD,说明BD与A重复区域很多),那就删掉BD,A保留;继续对于C,重复上述步骤。最后留下的框就是NMS后的结果。 - hard samples mining & online hard sample mining
参考:hard sample mining在机器学习中是什么意思?
Hard Example Mining 与 online Hard Example Mining - 交叉熵 cross entropy
Title & Abstract Understanding
face detection: 框出人脸区域
alignment: 点5个关键点
multi-task / joint: 指同时detection&alignment。找到二者内在联系,能提升性能
cascaded: P Net + R Net + O Net 级联
1 Introduction
- Background
- face detection和alignment很重要
在face recognition 和 facial expression analysis中都用得到 - 然而还面临一些问题
遮挡 occlusion、姿势变化 large pose variations、光线 extreme lightning 等
- Previous Works
- 关于detection
级联结构√ + CNN×:效果不好
级联结构× + CNN√:花时间太多
级联结构√ + CNN√:bounding box校准需要多余的时间;忽视了detection和alignment之间的内在联系 - 关于alignment
分两种:regression-based methods、template fitting approaches - 有一些结合了detection和alignment的
有的因为特征是手工标定的(?)而限制了效果;有的一开始画的框不好而限制了效果。 - hard samples mining & online hard sample mining
应该弄个自适应的hard sample mining方法,根据训练情况自己调整,这样就不用手动操作了
- In this paper
级联网络 | 复杂程度 | 干了什么 |
P Net | a shallow CNN | producing candidate windows |
R Net | a more complex CNN | refining the windows by rejecting non-face windows |
O Net | a more powerful CNN | refining the windows & outputting 5 landmark positions |
2 Approach
- 关于整体框架[图片上传失败...(image-fb56ff-1534404624410)]
- stage 1: Proposal Net,提供大量候选窗口,计算bounding box回归向量并用NMS减少窗口
- stage 2: Refining Net,拒绝一些非人脸窗口,计算bounding box回归向量并用NMS减少窗口
- stage 3: Outputting Net,输出脸上的5个地标点
- 关于CNN内部结构
- 1 卷积层中的filters缺乏多样性,会影响判别性能
- 2 第一句逻辑没看懂。把5x5的filters换成3x3,能减少计算量,并增加深度
- 再就是提了下卷积层和全连接层后用的非线性激活函数是PReLU
- 关于训练
face/non-face classification + bounding box regression + facial landmark localization
1 face classification
2 bounding box regression
3 facial landmark localization
- 还有个online hard sample mining 的点
原文是这样写的:In particular, in each mini-batch, we sort the losses computed in the forward propagation from all samples and select the top 70% of them as hard samples. Then we only compute the gradients from these hard samples in the backward propagation. That means we ignore the easy samples that are less helpful to strengthen the detector during training.
3 Experiments
- 对训练集的处理
(在数据中占比为negative : positives : part faces : landmark faces = 3:1:1:2)
- 1 Negatives: IOU < 0.3
- 2 Positives: IOU > 0.65
- 3 Part faces: 0.4 < IOU < 0.65
- 4 Landmark faces: 标注5个landmark positions的人脸
- face detection 用 negatives + positives
- bounding box regression 用 positives + part faces
- landmark localization 用 landmark faces
衡量 online hard sample mining 的效果
训练2个P Nets (with and without online hard sample mining),并在FDDB上做对比:
衡量 joint detection and alignment 的效果
训练2个O Nets (joint facial landmarks regression learning and do not joint it),P-Net and R-Net 相同,在FDDB上做对比。JA是joint alignment,BBR是bounding box regression
Evaluation on face detection
Evaluation on face alignment
Runtime efficiency