再往里走才是杠铃、哑铃训练区,大部分人在训练凳上做哑铃卧推、哑铃上斜卧推、哑铃飞鸟、仰卧臂屈伸、坐姿推举……还有很多人在做二头弯举。 是的,二头弯举。
几个月后我感到极度厌倦。泵感不能让我找到快感。还好,并不是所有人都认为一个新手需要做这么多动作。像Waterbury这类教练就明确告诉大家:你不需要孤立动作。这给了我鼓舞。我想起很久之前Jacky 说的话:我不喜欢健身房,里面的人都在做一些花里胡哨千奇百怪的动作。当时我只是以为他不懂,后来才发现他的无心之论直击要害。
Eric Bach最近发表了一篇短文,叫 Train Movements First, Muscles Second. 我很喜欢这篇很短很短的文章,更喜欢它的标题。『Train Movements First』, 这是许多貌似高深的训练谜题的答案。如果没有这些教练的教诲,可能我已经放弃训练了。
Train Movements First, Muscles Second
Isolation work has its place, but most of your workout program should revolve around these 6 major movement patterns.
by Eric Bach
Unless you’ve already built up serious levels of strength or have physique specific training goals, doing tons of isolation work is a poor use of training time. Sure, isolation work is important for muscle growth, but first make sure you can squat more than 225 before you do leg extensions to “hammer the VMO, bro!”
Picking the right exercises is key to getting results. Biceps curls and hamstring curls aren’t bad, but they shouldn’t make up the majority of your program.
Focus instead on the 6 major movement patterns:
Hinge(铰链类): Deadlift, good morning, kettlebell swing, snatch and clean variations
Lunge(箭步类): Lunge, split squat, step-back lunge, Bulgarian split squat
Push(推类): Bench press, push-up, overhead press, jerk, one-arm press
Pull(拉类): Pull-up, bent-over row, seated row, one-arm row
Squat(蹲类): Front squat, goblet squat, Zercher squat, back squat
Carry(负重行走类): Farmer walk, single-arm carry, overhead carry
Does Your Workout Program Pass the Test?
Now, take a look at your program and ask yourself if these movement patterns are covered throughout the week. If not, cut out the superfluous exercises and get these into your workout plan.