
英文 中文
The state has recently received the evidence that 州检察官最近收到证据
the defendant has attempted to interfere with the judicial process. 证明被告企图妨碍司法程序
Bail is hereby denied. 保释因此被驳回
I thought I'd be leaving with you. 我本以为能和你一起回家
It's a betrayal. 他出卖了我
Maybe it's from mom's work. 这可能是妈妈的工作邮件
This is getting crazy. 真是越来越疯狂了
- Is that dad? - They're just trying to scare mom. -那是爸爸吗-他们只是想吓唬妈妈
Maybe there's a reason she should be scared. 或许妈妈有理由害怕
Do we tell mom? 我们是否要告诉妈妈呢
They sent them to hurt her, so I say no. 他们这是想伤害她还是别告诉她了
Hello, America. I'm Duke Roscoe. 大家好我是杜克·罗斯科
As always, I swear to tell the truth, 我发誓我会一如既往地据实以告
the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 毫不欺瞒
I turned away from my shopping cart for a second, 我把她放在购物车里
and she was gone. 稍不留神她就丢了
Three months ago, 3个月前
two-year-old Jamie Willens disappeared. 2岁大的洁米·威伦斯失踪了
Her mother Cheryl claimed she was snatched 其母谢丽尔称其在芝加哥一家超市里
from her shopping cart in a Chicago grocery store. 被人从购物车里抱走
Someone kidnapped my baby girl. 有人绑架了我的宝贝女儿
The police looked high and low for Jamie 警察上天入海地寻找洁米
and this mysterious kidnapper. 以及这个神秘的绑架犯
If you have Jamie, please... please bring her home. 如果你抱走了洁米求你把她送回家
And they found nothing. Why? 却一无所获为什么
Because she's lying, people! 因为她在撒谎朋友们
She killed her kid. 她杀了自己的女儿
Shorter clips. Make it shorter clips. 剪短一些把这个片段剪短一些
Grab the attention of the jury. 抓住陪审团的注意力
Cheryl Willens killed her baby, 谢丽尔·威伦斯杀了她的女儿
and I have learned a reason 而且我听说了
Ms. Willens was in the store at all: 威伦斯女士去商店的理由
to buy condoms. 买避孕套
Don't need that. 不需要这部分
Just cut it off at "killed her baby." 剪到"杀了她的女儿"那句话就行了
...Cheryl Willens' freedom, ...谢丽尔·威伦斯的自由
the murdering mom took her own life, 凶手母亲结束了自己的生命
hanging herself from her closet door. 在家中橱柜门口上吊自杀
He's a prince, isn't he? 他真是才华横溢啊
The gift that keeps on giving. 口若悬河
Do you have him from last night? 有他昨晚节目的录像吗
Uh... the last file. 最后那个文件
Aw, come on, you know you're just managing a disaster here. 你清楚你要收拾的是个烂摊子
It's the network lawyer 电视台的律师
making one last stab at a settlement. 还在想办法达成庭外和解
You've been shedding advertisers 你们电视台丢失广告商的速度
like a dog sheds fleas. 就像狗甩掉虱子一样
Good thing we have a lot of fleas to shed. 幸好我们有足够的虱子
You really want to go to court? 你真想上庭吗
Your client committed suicide, 你的客户自杀了
and you're just looking for someone to blame. 你不过是想找人泄愤
And anyway, I just got in from L.A. and ordered a massage. 我刚从洛杉矶回来正准备做按摩
Why would I want to go back so fast? 我还不乐意回去谈判呢
What are you doing at that network anyway? 话说你为什么要待在那个电视台
You used to be the cool one with all the tattoos. 你当年可是刺青酷女
I'm still the cool one. 我仍是酷女
Shh. I'm listening to your client. 我在看你的客户的节目
You know what? I'm glad she's dead. 我很高兴她死了
That's right, 没错
Because the more guilty people who commit suicide, 越多罪人自杀
the less will crowd the courts. 越少罪人挤上法庭
Intent, disregard. 恶意冷血
You've got a client that's out of control, Emily. 你的客户简直肆无忌惮艾米莉
He's not my client, the network is my client. 他不是我的客户电视台才是我的客户
Yeah, well, tell your client 好吧告诉你的客户
their spokesman is doing everything he can 他们的发言人正千方百计地
to raise the settlement amount, right now we're at... 提高我方索赔金额现在的金额是
...$3 million. 300万美金
After Duke's show tonight, my guess is 杜克今晚的节目结束后
it'll be up to five. 估计会涨到500万
Give me a call. 再联系
We're not in a position to be charging retail. 我们没有能力狮子张大口
Don't worry, she'll come in at 2.5. 别担心她会乖乖奉上250万
Will that be enough? 够了吗
He wants to go to trial. 他想上庭
Talk to him, tell him how unpredictable a trial is. 跟他谈谈告诉他上庭风险很大
Yeah, Cary, just roll back that one piece. 凯里倒带
I want to see what I missed before. 我想看看我之前错过了什么
Yeah, I want to go... 是的我想要上...
Just, uh, want to be ready for cross-examination. 我只想为庭上的盘问做好准备
I figure he'll try to make me out to be a money-grubber. 我知道他会说我是个财迷
Don't you think? 你觉得呢
Tim, I don't think we want to go to trial. 蒂姆我觉得咱们不应该上庭
Why? 为什么
It's hard to go up against Duke's right of free speech. 杜克有言论自由权我们胜算不大
Yes, but, we'll... we'll have the jury's sympathy, right? 是的但陪审团会同情我们吧
We're more likely to get 如果不上庭的话
a fair settlement if we don't go to trial. 我们更有可能得到理想的赔偿
But a trial will keep Jamie's face out there. 但是上庭可以让更多人知道洁米的消息
I know she's been missing a year and a half, 我知道她已经失踪1年半了
but I still think my daughter's alive. 但我坚信我的女儿还活着
You know he's still on the TV 知道吗他仍在电视上叫嚣
saying that my wife is burning in hell? 说我的妻子在地狱受罚
I know. 我知道
And people say, "don't watch it." 人们虽然说别看他的节目
But he has fans, and... 但他有他的拥护者
people still phoning me. 而且依旧有人给我打电话
And I don't have a TV show, 而我没有自己的节目
And I don't have anybody to listen to me. 没有人愿听我的说法
And I can answer him in court. 但我可以上法庭和他对质
Tim, you don't want to be obsessing on this. 蒂姆你不应该纠结于这种想法
You talked about using that settlement money 你说过你想利用这笔赔款
to search for your daughter. 来找你的女儿
If we settle now, that's money you could use. 如果选择和解你就可以利用这笔钱了
If you go to court, I don't know if you'll ever... 若上庭我不知道你是否还能...
You think I should do this? 你觉得我该这么做吗
Settle? 我是说庭外和解
Yeah. 是的
What happened? 发生什么事了
Lots. Where were you? 很多事你去哪了
Oh, with Tim. 哦对你在劝说蒂姆
That's right. How is he? 他怎么样
He's fine. What happened? 他没事到底怎么了
Yeah, yeah, come on, come on, I'll get you caught up. 好我跟你说说
The network lawyers are coming over in an hour. 电视台的律师1小时后到
That clip from last night really did the trick. 昨晚的录像片段确实震住了他们
They're settling? 他们要和解?
Conference room in an hour. 1小时之后在会议室
I don't even think they watch their own show. 我猜他们连自己的节目都不看
They're afraid of the bad publicity. 他们害怕反面的报道
I'm borrowing you. 你暂时归我了
You're...? 你是...
I'm sorry. 抱歉
Kettle corn for you. 爆米花送你
Tell him to wait, Margie. 让他等着玛吉
David Lee. Family law. 我叫大卫·李家庭法律师
Oh, right. I'm so sorry. 哦对真抱歉
You're the divorce lawyer. 你是那位离婚律师
Yes, I'm the divorce lawyer. 对离婚律师
Uh, yes, well, let him read a magazine. 那就让他看本杂志
We're starting up a softball league, 我们正在创办一个垒球联盟
and I want to know if you're up for playing first base? 想问问你能去打一垒不
Joking. 开玩笑啦
I need you at a meet and greet in 45 minutes to hand-hold a client. 45分钟后我要你去劝导一个客户
Upstairs. 在楼上
Oh, uh, wait, um, 等一下
I've got a settlement 1小时后
on the Duke Roscoe case in an hour, so... 我要去谈杜克案的庭外和解所以...
Yes, at the moment, we're the only department that makes money, 但现在我们是唯一一个盈利的部门
so we outrank. 所以我们优先
See you in 45 minutes. 45分钟后见
Did you want this closed? 你很想关门呀?
I'm tired of being the one who has to hand-hold the clients. 我受够了去劝导客户
You know, they send me off to get a client to agree to do something 他们让我去劝说客户同意一些...
I-I'm not even involved with. 我根本没参与过的事情
Because they send me off to hand-hold the client. 因为他们就是让我去劝导客户
You're babbling. 你都语无伦次了
I know. Thank you. 我知道谢谢
Look, it's not a conspiracy. 听着他们不是共谋欺压你
You're good at it. 只是你这方面很拿手
That's what my brother used to say to get me to do chores: 当年我哥想把家务丢给我时就总这么说
"Alicia's good at it." "艾丽西娅这方面很拿手"
I've worked two months on this Duke case, and now that they're settling, 杜克的案子我忙了2个月现在要和解了
I'm off on some divorce case, and Cary gets all the glory. 我却去搞什么离婚案功劳都归凯里了
Yeah. 好吧
Life stinks. 人生玩了你
Door. 接着摔门吧
Okay... we don't need to make this any bigger than it is. 好了我们不必小题大作
The network doesn't want a long, drawn out trial. 电视台不想参加冗长的庭审
We would like to move on. 我们想给此事划个句号
You mean from Cheryl Willens' suicide 此事是指谢丽尔·威伦斯自杀呢
or the loss of ten sponsors? 还是指损失10位赞助商
You don't need to sell anymore; we're here. 你不必再亮底牌了我们已经坐下来谈了
That wasn't selling; that was rubbing it in. 这不叫亮底牌这叫哪儿疼戳哪儿
Over the phone, Will and I talked about $2 million. 电话里威尔和我谈到了200万赔偿金
Actually, we talked about $3 million 实际上我们谈的是300万
and a retraction. 外加收回那些不当言论
Oh. I must have misheard. 那我一定是听错了
The network might be able to go to 2.5, 电视台可以给到250万
but any retraction would have to be worked out separately with Duke. 但收回言论一事只能和杜克另谈
We only advise on content. 我们只就谈判内容提供建议
Well, then you might have to throw in... something extra? 那你们恐怕就得多给点什么了
Then... let's haggle. 那咱就来讨价还价吧
Alicia, there you are. 艾丽西娅你来啦
Carla Browning. 这位是卡拉·布朗宁
Hello, Mrs. Florrick. 你好福瑞克夫人
I think I'm a fan. 我是你的粉丝
Thank you. I think. 谢谢
Chocolate raisins? 巧克力葡萄干
No, thank you. 不用了谢谢
It's funny, most divorce lawyers have kleenex. 真有意思多数离婚律师是准备面巾纸的
Yes. I find it harder for my clients to cry 是但我发现让客户嘴里含满巧克力豆
when their mouths are filled with M&M's. 他们就更不容易哭出来了
Have you been to many divorce attorneys, Ms. Browning? 你见过多位离婚律师吗布朗宁女士
A few. 见过几个
My husband and I seem to have a series of relapses... 我和丈夫似乎陷入了恶性循环
Him swearing to change, me forgiving, him forgetting, 他发誓改变我原谅他恶习难改
both of us repeating. 然后循环往复
I think I'm done. 我受够了
Point me in the direction of the settlement conference. 庭外和解会议室怎么走
I moved out about a week ago, 大约一周前我搬出来了
and he's been calling at all hours. 他没早没晚地打电话
- Morning.- Threatening calls, -早-恐吓电话
saying inappropriate things to our sons. 还对我们的儿子说不该说的话
I understand. 知道了
But I must warn you, 但我要提醒你
filing for a restraining order against your husband 申请法院对你丈夫下禁令的话
could set the stage for a very ugly divorce. 可能会导致一桩很难堪的离婚诉讼
Mr. Roscoe, we didn't expect you. 罗斯科先生没想到你会来
Don't get up... I'll just, uh, help myself back here. 不用起立我自便就好
We would need Mr. Willens to agree to not speak to the press, of course. 威伦斯先生必须同意不对媒体发表言论
You got any cream cheese? 有奶油起司吗
Jennette? 詹妮特
Can you get some cream cheese for Mr. Roscoe, please? 给罗斯科先生来点奶油起司
And, uh, fruit. Uh, pineapple. 还有水果菠萝
Pineapple, too. And a bib. 还有菠萝再来条围嘴
Got it. 知道了
Mr. Willens would have to agree 威伦斯先生必须同意
to no future civil action. 今后不提起民事诉讼
All this is outlined in Paragraph Six, um, 这些都在第6段写到了
If you'd take a look at that paragraph right there. 请看那一段
I just want to add 我要补充一条
that there will be no formal retraction agreement, 关于收回不当言论我们不会签订正式协议
and the amount is subject to change... 赔偿金金额也是可变的...
I'm curious... what is the amount? 我很好奇多大金额
How much you guys paying? 你们要付多少
$2.5 million. 250万
Is Mr. Willens gonna be paying that out of his own pocket, 威伦斯先生是准备自掏腰包呢
or is your law firm gonna be helping him out? 还是你们律所准备帮他
Mr. Roscoe. 罗斯科先生
The network would prefer to handle this... quietly. 电视台希望对此事的处理能够...低调
Love quietly. 我喜欢低调
That's why I'm gonna say this quietly. 所以下面这句话我也"低调"地说
If the network pays one red commie cent, 如果电视台胆敢向专制主义赔付一分钱
I'm gonna quit the network, 我就辞职
and I'm gonna take my nine million viewers with me. 然后带走我的900万观众
If I have to broadcast 即使我只能去...
from a barge off the coast of South Carolina, 南卡罗来纳海滩的游艇上主持节目
I'll do it, 我也愿意
rather than surrender my right of free speech. 我绝不放弃我的言论自由
This isn't about revenge. 我不是想报复我丈夫
I don't want to hear any more excuses, all right?! 我不想再听任何借口懂不
My husband is a very dangerous man, 我丈夫是个危险分子
and I'm scared. 我很恐惧
You understand that, don't you, Mrs. Florrick? 你明白的对吧福瑞克太太
I do? 是吗
About my husband. 你知道我丈夫的为人
Um... who is your husband? 你的丈夫是?
Oh, I thought David told you. 大卫没告诉你吗
And I just assumed. Alicia, I'm sorry. 抱歉艾丽西娅我以为你知道
My married name isn't Browning. 布朗宁不是我夫姓
It's Childs. 我夫姓查尔兹
Her husband is Glenn Childs, the state's attorney. 她丈夫是格伦·查尔兹州检察官
Carla thought you'd be sympathetic. 卡拉觉得你最能理解她的感受
David is being euphemistic. 大卫说得比较含蓄
Given how Glenn's been acting, 实际上鉴于格伦的作风
I thought I'd need a secret weapon. 我是想找一件秘密武器
And that would be me? 你是说我?
Yes. 是的


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