
When I finished reading the novel A Dog's Purpose, I started to think seriously that I should write something in English now. I used to believe that my bachelor's degrees of law and economics help to shape my soul while my master's degree of translation and interpretation works to broaden my horizon. But now, with my little boy growing up day by day, I develop a heartfelt urgency to use English as an output language, to speak and write, and finally to help little Louis grasp a good command of English. That's why I begin to write my monthly review in English.

July, as the temperature went higher and higher, I found myself became lazy and the picture above gave a good description of my life in July. Yes, I had to admit that I had spent too much and work out too little and I missed all the assignments I assigned to myself in June.


I have followed the guides of keep to work out three times and week and spent 561minutes in shaping my body this month. And I bought myself a menbership in the sport center and went swimming three times, all at noon.



I have read five books this month. Two of them were English novel, A Dog's Purpose and Flipped,both of which were made into movies. These novels were recommended to all the undergraduates, their easy language and interesting stories made them ideal books to wake up your desire to read. And others were毛笔的常识,人类简史and 婴儿睡眠全书.

I have also kept my daily English study this month.


I have kept listening to the lectures of 吴军 and Dr.魏 in the APP 得到 everyday this month.

I have also picked up calligraphy practice this month. With the help of my mother, I wrote with the company of little Louis everyday, which I believed can give him a little interesting in this Chinese ancient art.

Then it comes to entertainment of July. I have seen two movies, A Dog's Purpose and Life. The first one is recommended and I saw it without Chinese subtitles, which made me proud. And I have also watched the first and second episodes of Game of Throne. I really love it!


My baby really burns a hole in my pocket. My budget was overrun again with a deficit of 1500. And my investment income was only 580.


Time to say something happy. My husband bought my son a swimming pool last month and I swam with my little boy five times in July.

Although all of the family forgot my husband's birthday, I bought him a MK briefcase and he liked it.


In August,I hope I can

*swim less than 9 times and spend 840 minutes in keep.

*keep practice calligraphy everyday

*read two English books

*finish one essay

*write with better English next month!

by 小鹿呦呦


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