知识点49 :P字母开头的单词 petition-plagiarize


  1. N-COUNT A petition is a document signed by a lot of people that asks a government or other official group to do a particular thing. 请愿书
    People feel so strongly that we recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people.
  2. N-COUNT A petition is a formal request made to a court of law for some legal action to be taken. 诉状; (向法院提出的) 申请
    His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.
  3. V-T/V-I If you petition someone in authority, you make a formal request to them. 正式请求
    All the attempts to petition Congress had failed.
    But there is nothing to provide that centripetal acceleration.
    propitiate:vt. 抚慰,安抚;与…和解
    V-T If you propitiate someone, you stop them from being angry or impatient by doing something to please them. 使息怒; 和解
    I’ve never gone out of my way to propitiate people.
    V-T If you entreat someone to do something, you ask them very politely and seriously to do it. 恳求; 请求
    He entreated them to delay their departure.
  4. V-I If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it. 恳求
    The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.
  5. V-I When someone charged with a crime pleads guilty or not guilty in a court of law, they officially state that they are guilty or not guilty of the crime. 表示服罪/不服罪
    Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery.
  6. V-T If you plead the case or cause of someone or something, you speak out in their support or defence. 为…辩护
    He appeared before the committee to plead his case.
  7. V-T If you plead a particular thing as the reason for doing or not doing something, you give it as your excuse. 以…为借口
    Mr. Giles pleads ignorance as his excuse.
    V-T If you beseech someone to do something, you ask them very eagerly and anxiously. 恳求; 央求
    She beseeched him to cut out his drinking and his smoking.
    V-T If someone importunes another person, they ask them for something or ask them to do something, in an annoying way. 纠缠; 向...强求
    One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passersby.
    petrify vt. 使…石化;使…惊呆V-T If something petrifies you, it makes you feel very frightened. 使非常害怕
    Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking.
    N-UNCOUNT Petroleum is oil that is found under the surface of the earth or under the sea bed. Petrol and kerosene are obtained from petroleum. 石油
    We ought to and can product more petroleum.
    The international journal provides monthly publication on the fields of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry.
    ADJ A philanthropic person or organization freely gives money or other help to people who need it. 慈善的; 博爱的
    Some of the best services for the seniors are sponsored by philanthropic organizations

“In anthropology, you can’t equate third gender with homosexuality,” he said.
At age 7, Margaux Fragoso lost her childhood innocence to the actions of a pedophile.

pine vi. 渴望,痛苦;憔悴
N-VAR A pine tree or a pine is a tall tree that has very thin, sharp leaves called needles and a fresh smell. Pine trees have leaves all year round. 松树


  1. The wall was paneled with pine.
  2. V-I If you pine for someone who has died or gone away, you want them to be with you very much and feel sad because they are not there. 苦苦思念
    She’d be sitting at home pining for her lost husband.
  3. V-I If you pine for something, you want it very much, especially when it is unlikely that you will be able to have it. 渴望 (尤指不可能得到的东西)
    I pine for the countryside.
    pine to death:消瘦至死
  4. ADJ If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried. 憔悴的
    Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.
  5. ADJ If you describe a building as gaunt, you mean it is very plain and unattractive. (建筑物) 不起眼的
    Above on the hillside was a large, gaunt, grey house.
  6. V-I If someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation. 受折磨
    Pollard continues to languish in prison.
  7. V-I If something languishes, it is not successful, often because of a lack of effort or because of a lot of difficulties. (由于不努力或困难太多) 未成功
    Without the founder’s drive and direction, the company gradually languished.
    ADJ Someone who looks haggard has a tired expression and shadows under their eyes, especially because they are ill or have not had enough sleep. 面容枯槁的; 憔悴的
    He was pale and a bit haggard.
    V-T If you placate someone, you do or say something to make them stop feeling angry. 安抚
    He smiled, and made a gesture intended to placate me.
    V-T If you mollify someone, you do or say something to make them less upset or angry. 安抚; 平息
    The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.
    V-T If you propitiate someone, you stop them from being angry or impatient by doing something to please them. 使息怒; 和解
    These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.
    V-T If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer. 使镇定
  8. He would take her in his arms and soothe her.
  9. V-T Something that soothes a part of your body where there is pain or discomfort makes the pain or discomfort less severe. 缓和 (疼痛或不适)
    I believe that God uses simple pleasures to ease our troubles, clam our minds and soothe our souls.

V-T/V-I If you conciliate someone, you try to end a disagreement with them. 安抚; 劝慰
His duty was to conciliate the people, not to provoke them.

  1. ADJ A placid person or animal is calm and does not easily become excited, angry, or upset. 温和的
    She was a placid child who rarely cried.
  2. ADJ A placid place, area of water, or life is calm and peaceful. 平静的
    To readers a century later, that placid portrayal may seem alien – as though depicting a bygone world.
    Instead, we see the effects of treatment plus placebo effects that are shaped by the subject’s expertations.
    ADJ A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous. 自满的; 盲目乐观的表不满
    We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.
    V-T If you try to appease someone, you try to stop them from being angry by giving them what they want. 姑息表不满
    Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.
  3. V-T If you pacify someone who is angry, upset, or not pleased, you succeed in making them calm or pleased. 安抚
    Is this a serious step, or is this just something to pacify the critics?
  4. V-T If the army or the police pacify a group of people, they use force to overcome their resistance or protests. 平息
    Government forces have found it difficulut to pacify the rebels.
    V-T To tranquilize a person or an animal means to make them become calm, sleepy, or unconscious by means of a drug. (用药物) 使镇静; 使失去知觉
    This powerful drug is used to tranquilize patients undergoing surgery.
    V-T If someone plagiarizes another person's idea or work, they use it or copy it and pretend that they thought of it or created it. 剽窃
    This should go without saying, but I’ll include it within this point, absolutely do not plagiarize.
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