Advanced Subjects
- Bioengineering
No examinations
- Business process modeling
ERP, Supply chain management,---2/3 days per report---
- Programming language and methodology
No examinations, seven program language to program.
- Bioinformatics
Machine learning, neural networks, evolutionary computation(have a good working knowledge on this)
- Information Organization
database is needed, web information retrieval something like search engine google
- Theory on object oriented design
90 minutes before class, application design
- Scheduling special exercises
design Scheduling models, no examinations
- Fiber optic measurements technology
high-school physics
- Pattern Recognition, probability and statistic
A lot of Algorithm
- Bioelectronics
Biochemistry, no examinations
- Information management
humanity background, patent, no examinations
- Supply chain management
60 mins before class
fundamental Subjects
- Computer architecture
90 mins, mid-term exam & final exam
- Computational intelligence
Algorithm of machine learning
- Introduction to formal language and automata Theory
120 mins
- programming basics