instrumental :involved in an important way in making something happen /play an important role in /helpful
常用搭配:sb./sth be instrumental in
1.Details are intrumental in achieving success.
2.In your inimitable and wonderful ways, you have each been instrumental in helping me bring this book to life.
inimitable 独特的
3.In China, for example, Jackie Chan, a film star who was instrumental in bringing about that country’s recent ban on the sale of elephant ivory, has thrown his weight behind the pangolin.
throw one's weight behind :(informal)use one's influence to help or support
Di Maria , the Manchester United star lost his daughter Mia when she was born three months prematurely. As a result, Di Maria and his wife are now throwing their weight behind a United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund program that raises awareness about *premature births, reported Mirror.
1. 教育改变了我的命运。
Education has been instrumental in transforming my life.
Shadowing is instrumental in improving English listening.