1.今天的内容谈到了Musk的第二次创业历程,让我很是佩服的是他的这种精神,真的是Do or die but don't give up.他经受了两次coups,却还可以坚持自己想要的继续前行,真实内心强大。而且他在知道结果后,还可以保持relent,是一般人难以做到的。
2. 虽然比笔记写的不是很好,但书一直在坚持读。这是我参加读书会以来读的第三本原版书,我不得不说,作者的功底实在太强,用的全是高级词汇,很多GRE的感觉,他竟然可以用的这么得心应手还接地气;书中的精彩表达特别多,小词,一词多义,以及高级词汇融合在一起,这本书真的在词汇量和阅读理解方面有很大的帮助。
3. 因为是第一次读传记加之最近身体一直不适,所以,感悟不像书友们那样深刻,这是我从前没有关注过的领域,很难产生mental representation的感觉,无论如何,坚持下去总是好的,慢慢来吧!
1. Undaunted, Musk kicked this new plan into action before Zip2 had even been sold.
kick into, begins to take effect.
2. Musk also bounced his ideas off some contacts he'd made at the bank in Canada.
bounce ideas off someone, tell them in order to find what they think about your ideas.
【例句】It was good to bounce ideas off another mind.
【仿句】It was good to bounce your ideas off teachers.
3. He seemed spellbound by his wife.
spellbound by sth or sb, you are so fascinated that you cannot think about anything else.
【例句】He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.
【仿句】The boys are spellbound by video games.