《App Store审核指南》及《开发者计划许可协议》纷纷更新,苹果这是要有大动作?!



Apple Developer Program License Agreement

近日苹果对《苹果开发者计划许可协议》(Apple Developer Program License Agreement)进行了高调更新,并在开发者网站、ITC后台等多个入口进行了提醒!此外,Sara留意到,苹果还悄悄地对《App Store审核指南》中的部分条款进行了修改和补充

众所周知,《App Store审核指南》(以下简称“指南”)和《开发者计划许可协议》(以下简称“协议”)是苹果审核&监督应用、管理开发者账号的重要依据,此次更新不免让人与近期审核变慢变严、个别应用多次审核不过、下架事件频发等联系起来。为解开谜团,现在将《指南》和《协议》的更新版本和旧版本进行了一番对比分析。



一、《App Store审核指南》更新内容详解

  • ①《指南》中的【3.2.1 】项条款增加第六项内容


(vi) Approved nonprofits may fundraise directly within their own apps using Apple Pay, provided those fundraising campaigns adhere to all App Review Guidelines. These apps must disclose how the funds will be used, abide by all required local and federal laws, and make appropriate tax receipts available to donors. Nonprofit platforms that connect donors to other nonprofits must ensure that every nonprofit listed in the app has also gone through the nonprofit approval process. Learn more about becoming an approved nonprofit.
(非营利性组织筹资时可以直接在自己的应用中使用Apple Pay,所提供的筹款活动需遵守序审查指南。相关应用必须透露将如何使用这笔资金,遵守所在国家或地方的法律,并提供适当的税收收据给捐赠者。连接捐助者和其他非营利组织的非营利平台必须确保每个非营利组织中列出的应用都通过了非营利组织的审批流程。了解更多——关于批准成为非营利组织。)

  • ②对《指南》的【3.2.2】项条款进行了完善和补充


(iv) Unless you are an approved nonprofit, collecting funds within the app for charities and fundraisers. Apps that seek to raise money for such causes must be free on the App Storeand may only collect funds outside of the app, such as via Safari or SMS.(****获得批准的非性营利组织才能在App 内为慈善组织和募集资金者收集资金。出于以上目的筹集资金的App必须在 App Store 上免费,并只能在App之外筹集,例如通过Safari或短信。****)


此次苹果主要完善/新增了7处内容,****且内容都和Apple TV和iOS设备里的单点登录(Single Sign-On)功能相关。****

单点登录功能是iOS 10.2和tvOS 10.1系统更新中推出的全新TV应用的一个关键部分。TV应用可以看做是苹果设计的电视导览服务,用户可以通过它发现新节目,并跨设备跟踪观看进度。苹果此举的目的是简化用户在Apple TV上观看电视节目的体验。当然,对于国内用户来说,我们暂时还体验不到这个功能。

  • ①在【1.2定义】部分新增5项内容,


· “Single Sign-on Specification” means the Documentation provided by Apple hereunder for the Single Sign-On API, as updated from time to time.(****“Single Sign-on Specification(单点登录规范)”是指由Apple为单点登录API所提供的文档,该文档会随时更新。****)

· “TV App API” means the API documented in the TV App Specification that enables You to
provide Apple with TV App Data.(****“TV App API”是指在电视应用规范中记录的API,它能够帮您向Apple提供TV App的数据。****)

· “TV App Data” means the data described in the TV App Specification to be provided to Apple
through the TV App API.(****“TV App数据”是指在TV App规范中所描述的通过TV App API提供给Apple的数据。****)

· “TV App Features” means functionality accessible via the TV App and/or tvOS, iOS and/or
macOS devices, which functionality provides the user the ability to view customized information
and recommendations regarding content and to access such content through the user’s apps,
and/or provides the user the ability to continue play of previously viewed content.(****“TV App特征”是指可经由TV App和/或tvOS,iOS和/或macOS设备访问的功能,该功能为用户提供查看(与“内容”相关的)定制信息和建议,以及通过用户的应用访问这些“内容”的资格,以及/或为用户提供继续播放先前所观看的“内容”的资格。****)

· “TV App Specification” means the Documentation provided by Apple hereunder for the TV App
API, as updated from time to time.(****“TV App规范“是指由Apple为TV App API 所提供的文档,该文档会随时更新。****)

  • ②在【3.3.47】项条款中对“单点登录API”的相关规定进行了修改和补充,详细情况如下所示:

Single Sign-On API:
3.3.47 Your Application must not access or use the Single Sign-On API unless Your Application is primarily designed to provide authenticated video programming via a subscription-based MVPD (multi-channel video programming distributor) service, and You have received an entitlement from Apple to use the Single Sign-On API. If You have received such an entitlement, You are permitted to use the Single Sign-On API solely for the purpose of authenticating a user’s entitlement to access Your MVPD content for viewing on an Apple Product, in accordance with the Single Sign-on Specification. Any such use must be in compliance with the Documentation for the Single Sign-On Specification. You acknowledge that Apple reserves the right to not provide You such an entitlement, and to revoke such entitlement, at any time, in its sole discretion.(****3.3.47您的应用不能访问或使用单点登录API,除非该应用的设计主要是为了通过基于订阅的MVPD(多频道视频节目经销商)服务来提供已验证的视频节目,并且您已经得到了来自苹果的使用单点登录API的资格。如果您已经收到了此项资格,则将被允许使用单点登录API,不过此类使用仅用于根据单点登录规范来验证用户在所查看的Apple产品上是否有权利访问您的MVPD内容。此外,此类使用必须符合单点登录的文档规范。你承认苹果保留在任何时候不向您提供此类资格,并撤销该资格的权利。****)

If You use the Single Sign-On API, You will be responsible for providing the sign-in page accessed by users via the Single Sign-On API where users sign in to authenticate their right to access Your MVPD content. You agree that such sign-in page will not display advertising , and that the content and appearance of such page will be subject to Apple’s prior review and approval.(****如果您使用单点登录API,您将负责提供用户通过单点登录API访问的登录页面,而用户的登录可以验证其是否拥有访问您的MVPD内容的权利。不过,您需同意此类登录页面不会显示广告,并且此类网页的内容和外观需要经过Apple的事先审核和批准。****)

If You use the Single Sign-On API and Apple provides an updated version of such API and/or the Single Sign-on Specification, You agree to update Your implementation to conform with the newer version and specification within 3 months after receiving the update from Apple.(****如果您使用单点登录API,并且Apple提供此类API和/或单点登录规范的更新版本,则您需要同意,在收到苹果的更新提示后的3个月内,按照最新的版本和规范进行更新。****)

You authorize Apple to use, reproduce, and display the trademarks provided by you for use in connection with the Single-Sign-On feature, including use in the user interface screens in Apple products where the user selects the provider and authenticates through Single Sign-on, and/or to provide the user with a list of apps that are accessible to such user through Single Sign-On. You also grant Apple the right to use screen shots and images of such user interface, including but not limited to use in instructional materials, training materials, marketing materials, and advertising in any medium. Data provided via the Single Sign-On API will be considered Licensed Application Information hereunder, but will be subject to the use limitations set forth in this Section.(****您授予Apple使用、复制和显示您所提供的、与单点登录功能的使用相关的商标,包括在用户选择提供商,并通过单点登录进行身份验证所使用的Apple产品的用户界面屏幕,和/或向用户提供此用户可通过“单点登录”访问的应用列表。您还授予Apple使用此类用户界面的屏幕截图和图像的权利,包括但不限于在任何媒体中所使用的教学材料、培训材料、营销材料和广告。通过单点登录API所提供的数据将被视为授权应用信息,但其使用将受到本节前面所叙内容的限制。****)

You must not collect, store or use data provided via the Single Sign-On API for any purpose other than to authenticate a user’s entitlement to access Your MVPD content on an Apple product, to provide the user access to Your MVPD content, and/or to address performance and technical problems with Your MVPD service. You will not provide or disclose data, content or information obtained from use of the Single Sign-On API to any other party except for authentication information provided to a video programming provider whose programming is offered as part of an MVPD subscription offered by You, and solely for the purpose of authenticating the user’s entitlement to access such video programming on an Apple product under the user’s MVPD subscription.(****除了验证用户在Apple产品上是否拥有访问您的MVPD内容的权利,为用户提供访问您的MVPD内容的资格,和/或为解决您的MVPD服务的性能和技术问题之外,您不得基于任何目的去收集、存储或使用通过单点登录API所提供的数据。除了向给您的视频节目制作提供者提供身份验证信息外,您不得向其他方提供或透露使用单点登录API所获得的数据、内容或信息。而视频节目制作提供者是您提供的MVPD订阅的一部分,其目的仅用于验证某用户在用户的MVPD订阅下,在Apple产品上访问此类视频节目的权利。****)

  • ③增加对TV App API的规定,并将其列入【3.3.48】项中(将原来的【3.3.48】内容移到了【3.3.49】项】,详细情况如下所示:

3.3.48 You may not use the TV App API unless (a) Your Application is primarily designed to provide video programming, (b) You have received an entitlement from Apple, and (c) Your use is in accordance with the TV App Specification. To the extent that You provide TV App Data to Apple, Apple may store, use, reproduce and display such data solely for the purposes of: (a) providing information and recommendations to users of TV App Features, (b) enabling users to link from such recommendations and/or information to content for viewing via Your Licensed Application, and/or (c) servicing, maintenance, and optimization of TV App Features. With respect to any TV App Data that has been submitted by You prior to termination of this Agreement, Apple may continue to use such data in accordance with this Section 3.3.48 after termination of this Agreement. TV App Data will be considered Licensed Application Information under this Agreement, but will be subject to the use limitations set forth in this Section. You acknowledge that Apple reserves the right to not include Your Licensed Application in the TV App Features, in its sole discretion(
3.3.48 除了

  • (a)应用的设计主要是向用户提供视频节目,
  • (b)您已经收到了来自Apple的授权,以及
  • (c)您的使用符合TV App规范这三种情况外,您不能使用TV App API。
    在您向Apple提供的TV App数据的范围内,Apple可以出于以下目的存储、使用、复制和显示这些数据:
  • (a)向使用电视应用功能的用户提供信息和建议;
  • (b)授权用户通过您已授权的应用查看到此类信息和建议的的内容;和/或-
  • (c)电视应用功能的服务、维护和优化。

Apple will obtain user consent based on the user’s Apple ID before including Your Licensed Application in the TV App Features displayed under that Apple ID. Apple will also provide users with the ability to withdraw such consent at any time thereafter and to delete their TV App Data from Apple’s systems. In addition, You may solicit user consent based upon Your own subscriber ID system. You are responsible for Your compliance with all applicable laws, including any applicable local laws for obtaining user consent with respect to your provision of TV App Data to Apple.(****Apple将根据用户的Apple ID获取用户的同意,然后将该授权应用包含在该Apple ID下显示的TV App的功能中。苹果还将为用户提供任何时间撤销此类同意,并从苹果系统中删除其TV App数据的权利。此外,您可以根据您自己的用户ID系统征求用户的同意。您有责任遵守所有适用的法律,包括任何适用的当地的法律,来获取用户对您向Apple提供TV App数据的同意。****)


此次《App Store审核指南》更新的内容主要和非营利性组织以及其旗下的App如何筹资等有关;而《苹果开发者计划许可协议》完善/新增的主要内容都和Apple TV和iOS设备里的单点登录(Single Sign-On)功能相关。通过上述的对比和详解我们可以断定,****这些更新对绝大多数开发者并不会产生影响,且近期审核变慢变严、个别应用多次审核不过等也和“更新”的关系不大。大家不必恐慌,仔细研究并遵守之前的《指南》和《协议》即可!****


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