Chapter2 God is working behind the scenes for you(part1)


I know what it feels like to be under a cloud of oppression. Something happened to my mind when I was a young adult. I read a book that claimed you could lose your salvation if you did not walk in complete obedience to God. Somehow,I believed that and it put me under a terrible bondage that lasted more than a year. Back then,I did not know about the grace of God and the truth that I was justified by faith alone and not by works.I thought I needed to obey God's laws perfectly. But the more I tried to fully obey all the commandments, the more I fell short and constantly believed I had unforgiven sins.Even if I could control my actions,I could not control my thoughts.It was as though the wrong belief that not all my sins were forgiven had opened the floodgates in my mind,and my mind became filled with filth and blasphemous thoughts against God.The more I tried to stop them,the more they took control of my mind,and I was convinced I was condemned to hell.I struggled to sleep because I heard voices talking to me and telling me to kill myself.


During that period,I tried everything.Every opportunity I had,I went up to my leaders for prayer.I went for “deliverance sessions”to cast out the “demons”that I wrongly believed were in me.I prayed,I fasted, and I confessed my sins endlessly.I was so sincere about wanting to be right with God that in the midst of conversations with people,I would stop to confess my sin to God if I felt like I had exaggerated a point, or if I thought I had looked at a lady longer than I should have.I took to street evangelism hoping that if I got more people saved, maybe God would remember me when I was languishing in hell.But no matter what I did,i t felt like God had rejected me because I had committed a sin that could never be pardoned.I felt like there was no light, no salvation, and no hope for me.I am sharing all this with you because I want you to know that even when you cannot see a way out of your discouragement and depression, there IS hope for you.What you are going through right now might feel like it is going to crush you, but it won't.The enemy is always playing mind games with you, and he wants you to think you are alone in your struggle and that you will never overcome the challenges in your life.


Even when you cannot see a way out of your discouragement and depression, there is hope for you.


But the Bible tells us,“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape,that you may be able to bear it”(1 Cor.10:13).God is faithful,and I believe He has sent me to encourage you. Hold on,my friend,your breakthrough is coming.Hold on,the Lord is your refuge(see Ps.28:7-8).He will never leave you nor forsake you(see Heb.13:5).Your story isn't over yet.Keep trusting Him!

但圣经告诉我们:你们所遇见的试探,无非是人所能受的。神是信实的,必不叫你们受试探过于所能受的。在受试探的时候,总要给你们开一条出路,叫你们能忍受得住。(哥林多前书10:13)神是信实的,我相信他让我来鼓励你。坚持住我的朋友,你的突破即将来临。坚持住,主是你的避难所。(诗篇28:7-8 )他总不撇下你,也不丢弃你。(希伯来书13:5)你的故事没有结束,你要继续信靠他!

Not a Failure Even When You Fail


Coming back to my story,my mind was so riddled with uncontrollable thoughts that it felt like it would snap at any moment,but it didn't.I survived.And not only did I survive,I am now living a life in Christ that is truly exceedingly,abundantly,above all that I could imagine(see Eph.3:20).The enemy tried to bring me down,but the Lord saved me.I do not deserve any of the blessings I am enjoying,nor can I ever earn the unimaginable goodness of His grace toward me.But today,He is using me-this formerly oppressed man who was a stammerer and stutterer when He picked me up------to preach around the world the good news about the finished work of Jesus Christ. And I will keep preaching until there is no breath left in me because this life that I am living is not mine but His.


 I will keep proclaiming that of Him we are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, because this was the verse that God used to break me free from my mental oppression (see 1 Cor.1:30).I pray that this verse will minister to you too as you see yourself IN Christ.Those who are in Christ are new creations(see 2 Cor.5:17).Those who are in Christ are blessed with every blessing(see Eph.1:3).Those who are in Christ are safe and protected in the secret place of the Most High(see Ps.91:1).Christ Himself is our wisdom,our righteousness,our sanctification,and our redemption!


It was God who placed you and me in Christ.No one can take us out-not even ourselves.Once we have invited Jesus into our lives,we can never lose our salvation(see John 10:28).“Neither death nor life,nor angels nor principalities nor powers,nor things present nor things to come,nor height nor depth,nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Rom.8:38-39).The moment we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior,all ours sins----past,present,and future were completely forgiven(see Eph.1:7,Col.2:13).Though our sins were as scarlet,the blood of Jesus has washed us whiter than snow(see Isa.1:18),


I will keep preaching the good news that we are saved by grace through faith,and there is nothing we can do to earn His blessings,because it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with His undeserved,unmerited favor(see Eph.2:8).I will keep announcing that even when we fail,God does not see us in our failures,He sees us in Christ.We can come boldly to God because as Christ is,so are we in this world(see 1 John 4:17).As Christ is completely holy and blameless,so are we! Why? Because He who knew no sin became sin for us,that we might become the righteousness of God in Him(see 2 Cor.5:21)!


Knowing that we are completely forgiven and irrevocably saved is so important to our mental well-being and putting a stop to the enemy's mind games.I've shared with you how having a wrong belief in this area brought me into depression.Some years ago,I met a renowned psychiatrist when I was preaching in Palermo,Italy.He told me he had countless patients who had been committed to mental care institutions because they did not believe their sins were forgiven and struggled with guilt and condemnation.He told me that many in his profession would be out of a job if people truly believed their sins were forgiven and their salvation was secure.That made me want to preach even more strongly on the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ so that more will come to know Him and understand the perfection of His work on the cross!




God Is Working Behind the scenes 


I want to show you something from the life of Jacob that I pray will help you catch a glimpse of just how good God is,and why you can trust Him even when your situation appears bleak.Genesis 37 records how Jacob had mourned for many days because he believed his son,Joseph,whom he loved 'more than all his children'(Gen.37:3),had been devoured by wild beasts.He refused to be comforted and said,“For I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning”(Gen.37:35). Maybe you are mourning a loss in your life right now and it feels like the pain will never stop till you die.It could be the death of a loved one,or perhaps the death of a dream you had worked many years for.I know the pain can feel like it is too much to bear,but keep trusting the Lord,my friend. Well,years passed and Genesis 42 records how Jacob sent ten of his sons to Egypt to buy grain because a severe famine had stripped the land of food.When they were there,the governor of Egypt accused them of being spies and detained one of the brothers,Simeon, and demanded that the rest go back and bring their youngest brother,Benjamin,to prove that they were telling the truth.When they got back to their father and told him what had happened and how the governor wanted Benjamin,Jacob cried out,"You have bereaved me:Joseph is no more,Simeon is no more,and you want to take Benjamin.All these things are against me”(Gen. 42:36)


Perhaps that is the cry in your heart right now.Maybe you are looking at the challenges in your life, and you are asking,"Lord,what happened to Your promises?”Maybe it feels like everything in your life is against you.But I want to announce to you that whatever may be happening in your life, these things are not against you.Your God has gone ahead of you to prepare a place for you that is greater than where you are right now.Jacob despaired because he looked at the lack of food and loss of his son.If only he had known that God was working behind the scenes for him.If only he had known that the governor of Egypt was actually his beloved Joseph, who was alive, and that because of Joseph, his whole family would be well provided for even in the midst of famine(see Gen.45).


All Things Will Work Together for Your Good


My friend,open your eyes.The Lord Jesus---your heavenly Joseph-----is working out everything for you.Soon,you will be rejoicing.Soon,you will see that all the things that look like they are against you are actually for you.He is causing ALL things to work together for your good(see Rom.8:28).That means even when negative things happen to you---things that are painful and that cause you to cry till you have no tears left-God can cause them to work together for your good!


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