译读经典 | 老人与海(十三):终于钓到了一条鱼,虽然只是一条小金枪鱼



grippe          [grɪp]n.  流行性感冒

panic            ['pænɪk]     n.  恐慌

commence   [kə'mens]   v.  开始

steer             [stɪə]          v.  掌舵

myriad          ['mɪrɪəd]     n. 无数

annul           [ə'nʌl]          v.  废除

01  海龟蛋和鲨鱼肝油

He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years. He was sorry for them all, even the great trunk backs that were as long as the skiff and weighed a ton. Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle's heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs. He ate the white eggs to give himself strength. He ate them all through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish.

He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear. It was there for all fishermen who wanted it. Most fishermen hated the taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose and it was very good against all colds and grippes and it was good for the eyes.

Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again.



(He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years. 翻译的时候对这句话有一点困惑:既然捕龟多年,对海龟没有神秘感,应该是很自然的一件事,为什么海明威要用“although”来转折呢?这背后有什么文化背景吗?如果有了解的朋友,可以说明一下。)




02  小金枪鱼

"He's found fish," he said aloud. No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water. The tuna shone silver in the sun and after he had dropped back into the water another and another rose and they were jumping in all directions, churning the water and leaping in long jumps after the bait. They were circling it and driving it.

If they don't travel too fast I will get into them, the old man thought, and he watched the school working the water white and the bird now dropping and dipping into the bait fish that were forced to the surface in their panic.

"The bird is a great help," the old man said. Just then the stern line came taut under his foot, where he had kept a loop of the line, and he dropped his oars and felt the weight of the small tuna's shivering pull as he held the line firm and commenced to haul it in. The shivering increased as he pulled in and he could see the blue back of the fish in the water and the gold of his sides before he swung him over the side and into the boat. He lay in the stern in the sun, compact and bullet shaped, his big, unintelligent eyes staring as he thumped his life out against the planking of the boat with the quick shivering strokes of his neat, fast-moving tail. The old man hit him on the head for kindness and kicked him, his body still shuddering, under the shade of the stern.






He lay in the stern in the sun, compact and bullet shaped, his big, unintelligent eyes staring as he thumped his life out against the planking of the boat with the quick shivering strokes of his neat, fast-moving tail.  

shape   [ʃep]  

a kidney-shaped swimming-pool 



The picture is round in shape. 


《老人与海》中,“bullet shaped”很明显是个动词,怎么理解呢?——具有某形状的。“bullet shaped”就是指“具有子弹那样的形状”。



shape the sand into a mound 


(2)谁说只有具体的事物可以被塑形?从某种意义来说,每个人、每件事的发展,不也是一种“塑形”吗?当某一个关键时刻到来时,我们就说它shape 了这个人或者这件事。这时,shape可以翻译成“对……有重大影响”:

These events helped to shape her future career.



Our plans are shaping (up) well.





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