public native int compareTo(String string);
public int compareTo (String string)
Added in API level 1
Compares this string to the given string. The strings are compared one char at a time.
In the discussion of the return value below, note that char does not mean code point, though this should only be visible for surrogate pairs.
If there is an index at which the two strings differ, the result is the difference between the two chars at the lowest such index. If not, but the lengths of the strings differ, the result is the difference between the two strings' lengths. If the strings are the same length and every char is the same, the result is 0.
Throws NullPointerException if string is null.
例如:"ad".compreTo("ad"); return 0;
例如:"ad".compreTo("ab); return (int)d - (int)b = 2
例如:"ad".compreTo("adc"); return 2 - 4 = -2;
public int compare(T lhs, T rhs);
public int compare(T lhs, T rhs)
Description copied from interface:
Comparator Compares the two specified objects to determine their relative ordering. The ordering implied by the return value of this method for all possible pairs of (lhs, rhs) should form an equivalence relation.
This means that
compare(a,a) returns zero for all a the sign of compare(a,b) must be the opposite of the sign of compare(b,a) for all pairs of (a,b) From compare(a,b) > 0 and compare(b,c) > 0 it must follow compare(a,c) > 0 for all possible combinations of (a,b,c) Specified by: compare in interface Comparator Parameters: lhs - an Object. rhs - a second Object to compare with lhs.
an integer < 0 if lhs is less than rhs, // 返回值小于0,则lhs<rhs
0 if they are equal, // 返回值为0,则lsh与rhs相等
and > 0 if lhs is greater than rhs.a // 返回值大于0,则lhs>rhs
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer lhs, Integer rhs) {
Log.e(TAG, "compare: " + lhs + "," + rhs );
// 分别是 2,1。得出最小的1,放在最前面。 1 <- 2
// 然后是 4,2。4 > 2,放在后面。 1, 2 <- 4
// 然后是 3,4。3 < 4,放在4前面。然后判断是否还可以往前。 1, 2, 4 <- 3
// 3和2比,3 > 2, 3放在2后面。结束比较
// 结果为1, 2, 3, 4。
return lhs.compareTo(rhs);
// l -> r asc 升序
// r -> l desc 降序