

An armature in a 3D program works much like a skeleton(骨骼). Just as your muscles(肌肉) move with your skeleton(骨骼), the mushroom’s mesh will move with its armature. In Blender, the armature is simply another type of object; you’ve already worked with mesh objects. The armature object comes with one bone in it by default.

Adding Rigging, Bones and Skinning

First, you’ll need to cover a few bits of terminology. The process of building the skeleton is called rigging. You’ll first create an armature with one bone, then you’ll add an additional bone; this will be your rig.

Rigs can get very complicated, such as when you’re constructing a 3D human character. There are constraints and modifiers that can be added to your rig to simplify the animator’s job when working with complex rigs. Your mushroom’s rig will be simple, but will serve your needs just fine.

Skinning is simply the process of associating the vertices of your mesh with the bones in your armature.

Once you’ve created a model, you animate it with the following steps:

  • Add an armature to your scene
  • Add some bones to your armature
  • Skin the mesh to the bones
  • Animate the armature by posing the bones

Adding an Armature

Move your mouse over the 3D View and press Shift-A. Select Armature -> Single Bone. from the Add menu, as illustrated below:

The Object Data Context

In the Properties window, click on the Object Data context button that looks like a stick figure, and ensure Names and X-Ray in the Display panel are checked.


根据选中对象的类型,Properties window会显示不同的Context

Entering Edit Mode

press Tab to switch to Edit Mode for your armature.
Take a look at your armature: every bone in your armature is made up of three parts: the root, body, and tip, as shown below:


Right-click on the tip of your bone, press G to grab it, then type Z to restrict its movement to the Z axis. Move the tip of the bone to the top of the mushroom’s stalk, as shown below:


Left-click to confirm your action.

Extruding Your Armature

Just as you did to extrudes faces on a mesh in the previous tutorial, choose Extrude from the menu to the left of the 3D view (under Armature Tools), or alternatively press E to extrude from the tip of this bone. Next, press Z to constrain movement to the Z axis, and drag the new bone to the top of the mushroom’s cap, as such:


All bones must be uniquely named

Working in the Bones Context


Parenting the Mushroom to the Armature

Switch to ObjectMode, selects both the mushroom and the armature, and sets the armature as the active object.

Note: In Blender you can have any number of selected objects, but only one of those can be the active object. The most recently selected object is the active one; it’s highlighted in bright orange to indicate this fact. Switching your view to wireframe makes it easier to see which object is active.

Skinning Your Bones

Press Control-P to show the Set Parent To menu. Select With Automatic Weights under Armature Deform, as shown below:


This step parents the the mesh to the armature and sets the weight attribute — or the amount of influence that a bone has over a vertex — to “automatic”. This means that Blender will take a guess on the influence based on the proximity of the bones; it usually does a pretty good job.

Working in Pose Mode

Right-click the armature, enter Pose mode;


Right-click the cap bone, press R and move your mouse to rotate the bone.

Working with Vertex Groups

We can manually do it, be more fine-grained control.
right-click your mushroom and press Tab to enter Edit mode. Left-click the Object Data context button; you’ll note that it looks like a mesh triangle in your new context.

Look at the Vertex Groups panel; you may need to expand this section if it’s not visible. Your panel should look like the screenshot below:


You’ll see two vertex groups that have the same names as the bones in the armature. That’s because bones are mapped to vertex groups by their names.

Note: You can create named groups of vertices in Blender. A vertex can also belong to more than one group: the loyalty of that vertex to the group is based on its Weight value (from 0.0 to 1.0).


Creating the Hop

In Blender, you perform animations by creating a series of keyframes. In each keyframe, you put the object in a different pose, and Blender will smoothly interpolate the movement between keyframes.

Note that when you create a keyframe, you need to specify the type of the keyframe – i.e. are you modifying the location, rotation, or scale of the object. Let’s take a look at how this works in practice now.

Working in Pose Mode

Right-click on the armature; Enter the PoseMode.
Select All Bones.
Right-click the stalk bone, and press I to view the Insert Keyframe Menu. Select Scaling.

The Timeline Window

The Timeline window appears at the bottom of your screen; it looks like the following image:


After you insert a keyframe, you’ll see a vertical yellow line appear in the green line. The green line indicates which frame you’re on.

Keyframing the Hop


Leave the stalk bone selected, press S to scale and then press Z to restrict scaling to the Z axis. Move the mouse to squish that shroom, and left-click to accept the scaling.

Type I and select Scaling from the Insert Keyframe Menu.

Advance to frame 8 using the right-arrow key(原文错误?我使用的是鼠标左键) and type Option-S to clear the scaling. Next, type I and select LocScale to set a keyframe for both location and scaling.

Go to frame 14, move the mushroom up in the air by typing G, then Z, and left-click to confirm when you like the height. Type I to insert a keyframe and select Location.

Advance another two frames and insert another keyframe for Location on frame 16, so your mushroom hangs like Michael Jordan at the top of its jump.(前进两帧,在第16帧再插入一个位置帧,这样你的蘑菇就可以像迈克尔乔丹那样滞空了/smile)

Finally, go to frame 20, type Option-G to clear the location, type I and set another Location keyframe.

Previewing the Animation

Move your mouse to the Timeline window and left-click on the last keyframe. Press E to set the end of the frame range; the lighter section of the timeline should change from extending to the right of the timeline window to being constrained between your keyframes, as you can see in the screenshot below.


Press Option-A to play it.

Working With the Animation Screen


Blender comes with many handy screen layouts to make your life a little easier.

Dope Sheet Window

In the Dope Sheet window you are initially looking at the Dope Sheet mode: if you had multiple objects animating, they’d all be listed here. Where you could only see the keyframes of the selected object on the Timeline, here you can see it all.

Note: The term “dope sheet” comes from traditional animation where it is also known as an exposure sheet. Similar to traditional animation, Blender’s dope sheet gives the animator an overview of all the actions occurring in the timeline.

In the Dope Sheet window, change the mode to the Action Editor, like so:


Now you’ll see just the Action that you’ve created for the mushroom and its keyframes. It has the default name of ArmatureAction, so rename the action to HopAction in the name field, indicated below:


Creating a Fake User
Elements in a Blender file that are no longer referenced will have zero users. When you quit Blender and come back to it, those elements are not longer there. By creating a fake user, you keep Blender from trashing an unreferenced element that you might want to use later.

To the right of the name field is a button with an F on it; left-click it to create a fake user for this action.


Disconnecting the Hop Action

Next you need to disconnect the hop action so that you can create a second animation. If you didn’t do this, you’d be building on top of the hop animation (making it nod while it hopped), and that’s not what you want in this case.

Left-click the X the right of the F and +. This disconnects this action from the armature. The armature is no longer being used by the mushroom, but fortunately it now has a fake user to keep it from being discarded upon exit.

That takes care of the bounce — now you need to create another action to handle the nod.
(通过Dope Sheet Window下方的New左边的按钮,可以找回之前的HopAction,创建FakeUser的作用也是留住Disconnected的HopAction)

Creating the Nod

First, you need to ensure you’re at frame 1 of the animation Move the mouse over the Timeline or the 3D View windows and press Shift-Control-Down Arrow to move to the first frame.

Select View > Right in the 3D View header, then select View > Persp/Ortho to see your mushroom in the orthagonal view, like so:


Right-click to select the cap bone, then press I and select Rotation.


Move to frame 5. Press R to rotate the mushroom to the left, then press I to keyframe the rotation.

Advance to frame 10, press Option-R to clear the rotation, then press I to key the rotation change.


Scrub through the Timeline or Action window, and you’ll see your mushroom nod.

Click on the last frame in the Timeline and type E to set the end of the animation. Ready to see your work? Press Option-A to see a preview of your active mushroom.

In the Action editor of the Dope Sheet window, name this action NodAction, then click the F to make a fake user, as shown below:




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