
1.安装Package Control

从菜单 View - Show Console 或者 ctrl + ~ 快捷键,调出 console。将以下 Python 代码粘贴进去并 enter 执行,不出意外即完成安装。

import urllib.request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); open(os.path.join(ipp, pf), 'wb').write(urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())

可能由于各种原因,无法使用代码安装,那可以通过以下步骤手动安装Package Control:
1.点击Preferences > Browse Packages菜单
2.进入打开的目录的上层目录,然后再进入Installed Packages/目录
3.下载 Package Control.sublime-package 并复制到Installed Packages/目录
4.重启Sublime Text。

快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+P(菜单 – Tools – Command Paletter),输入 install 选中Install Package并回车,输入或选择你需要的插件回车就安装了(注意左下角的小文字变化,会提示安装成功)。


在启动Sublime Text 3程序后,使用快捷键 “ Ctl+Shift+P ”,再选择 "Package Control: Install Package"

如果想对PHP格式化,需要PHP5.6以上版本,而且需要配置sublime的(package setttings > codeFormatter >settings default

"codeformatter_php_options": {
    "syntaxes": "php", // Syntax names which must process PHP formatter
    "php_path": "D:/phpstudy/php/php-5.6.27-nts/php.exe", // Path for PHP executable, e.g. "/usr/lib/php" or "C:/Program Files/PHP/php.exe". If empty, uses command "php" from system environments
    "format_on_save": false, // Format on save
    "php55_compat": false, // PHP 5.5 compatible mode
    "psr1": false, // Activate PSR1 style
    "psr1_naming": false, // Activate PSR1 style - Section 3 and 4.3 - Class and method names case
    "psr2": true, // Activate PSR2 style
    "indent_with_space": 4, // Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
    "enable_auto_align": true, // Enable auto align of = and =>
    "visibility_order": true, // Fixes visibility order for method in classes - PSR-2 4.2
    "smart_linebreak_after_curly": true, // Convert multistatement blocks into multiline blocks
    // Enable specific transformations. Example: ["ConvertOpenTagWithEcho", "PrettyPrintDocBlocks"]
    // You can list all available transformations from command palette: CodeFormatter: Show PHP Transformations
    "passes": [],
    // Disable specific transformations
    "exclude": []


  1. install package -> Boxy Theme
  2. install package -> a File Icons

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    A set of easy customizable interface and syntax themes for Sublime Text 3 3103+. Comes in, both, light and dark variations. There are dozens of options that enable you to personalize your experience with Boxy Theme
    , don't forget to check them out.
    Want to contribute some code? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines.
    If you have some problems, first search for a similar issue, and then report with new one. Please read the Known Issues section before reporting a new one.
    Want to learn more? See the wiki →.
    InstallationActivationIconsSkinsSettingsReferencesForumPackage ControlShare The Love

The easiest way to install is using Package Control, where Boxy is listed as **Boxy Theme
Open Command Palette
using menu item Tools → Command Palette...

Choose Package Control: Install Package

Find Boxy Theme
and hit Enter

Restart Sublime TextmacOS : menu item Sublime Text → Quit Sublime Text

Windows: menu item File → Exit

Linux : menu item File → Exit

Read more →

Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu itemPreferences → Package Settings → Boxy Theme → Preferences
Also you can use commands provided by the theme:
Open Command Palette
using menu item Tools → Command Palette...

Choose Boxy Theme: Activation
or Boxy Theme: Configuration

Hit Enter


Read more →

Starting 5.0.0 this theme requires A File Icon package for enhanced support of the file-specific icons. Please install the package and restart Sublime Text.

You can activate skins by using commands provided by Skins package:
Open Command Palette
using menu item Tools → Command Palette...

Choose Select Skin
to change the skin
Choose Boxy Theme: Activation
or Boxy Theme: Configuration
to change the UI theme and color scheme

Or do this manually by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Preferences → Package Settings → Boxy Theme → Preferences


]( Monokai ★ Predawn
Note: This skin is heavily inspired by Predawn Theme. Install or support original if it better fits your needs.

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Monokai.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Monokai.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_tangerine": true,"theme_autocomplete_item_selected_colored": true,"theme_bar_margin_top_sm": true,"theme_dropdown_atomized": true,"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,"theme_icon_button_highlighted": true,"theme_panel_switcher_atomized": true,"theme_quick_panel_item_selected_colored": true,"theme_quick_panel_size_md": true,"theme_scrollbar_colored": true,"theme_scrollbar_line": true,"theme_sidebar_close_always_visible": true,"theme_sidebar_folder_atomized": true,"theme_statusbar_size_md": true,"theme_tab_close_always_visible": true,"theme_tab_selected_overlined": true,"theme_tab_size_md": true,

The operating system is Windows. The font used for the code is Operator Mono.
Installed packages:
Bracket Highlighter
Sublime Linter


]( Nova ★ Minimal

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Nova.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Nova.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_mono": true,"theme_button_rounded": true,"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,"theme_find_panel_size_xs": true,"theme_grid_border_size_sm": true,"theme_icons_atomized": true,"theme_minimap_viewport_opacity_xh": true,"theme_sidebar_folder_arrow": true,"theme_sidebar_heading_bold": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_selected_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_top_level_disabled": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_xl": true,"theme_size_md": true,"theme_tab_arrows_hidden": true,"theme_tab_close_always_visible": true,"theme_unified": true

The operating system is Windows. The font used for the code is Consolas. The UI font is Consolas (via addon).
Installed packages:
Boxy Theme Addon - Font Face
Bracket Highlighter
A File Icon


]( Ocean ★ Material
Note: This skin is heavily inspired by Material Theme. Install or support original if it better fits your needs.

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Ocean.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Ocean.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_cyan": true,"theme_bar": true,"theme_bar_logo_atomized": true,"theme_bar_shadow_hidden": true,"theme_button_rounded": true,"theme_dirty_colored_always": true,"theme_icons_materialized": true,"theme_scrollbar_rounded": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_selected_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_top_level_disabled": true,"theme_size_md": true,"theme_tab_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_tab_selected_transparent": true,"theme_tab_selected_underlined": true,"theme_tab_size_xxl": true,"theme_unified": true,

The operating system is Ubuntu. The font used for the code is Roboto Mono. The UI font is Roboto Medium (via addon).
Installed packages:
Boxy Theme Addon - Font Face
Color Highlighter
Color ​Helper


]( Solarized Dark ★ Code

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Solarized Dark.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Solarized Dark.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_purple": true,"theme_bar": true,"theme_bar_shadow_hidden": true,"theme_dropdown_atomized": true,"theme_find_panel_atomized": true,"theme_sidebar_disclosure": true,"theme_sidebar_folder_mono": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_sm": true,"theme_statusbar_colored": true,"theme_statusbar_size_md": true,"theme_tab_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_tab_selected_filled": true,"theme_tab_size_md": true,"theme_tabset_line_visible": true,"theme_unified": true,

The operating system is macOS. The font used for the code is SF Mono. The UI font is SF Mono (via addon).
Installed packages:
Boxy Theme Addon - Font Face
Boxy Theme Addon - Mono File Icons
Boxy Theme Addon - Widget Font Size
Bracket Highlighter


]( Solarized Light ★ Iowa

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Solarized Light.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Solarized Light.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_green": true,"theme_bar": true,"theme_bar_colored": true,"theme_bar_shadow_hidden": true,"theme_button_rounded": true,"theme_icons_atomized": true,"theme_quick_panel_size_md": true,"theme_scrollbar_rounded": true,"theme_sidebar_close_always_visible": true,"theme_sidebar_folder_materialized": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_selected_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_top_level_disabled": true,"theme_statusbar_size_md": true,"theme_tab_highlight_text_only": true,"theme_tab_line_size_lg": true,"theme_tab_selected_transparent": true,"theme_tab_selected_underlined": true,"theme_tab_size_lg": true

The operating system is Windows. The font used for the code is Space Mono.
Installed packages:
Bracket Highlighter
Sublime Linter


]( Tomorrow ★ Numix

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Tomorrow.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Tomorrow.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_numix": true,"theme_autocomplete_item_selected_colored": true,"theme_dropdown_atomized": true,"theme_find_panel_materialized": true,"theme_grid_border_size_xs": true,"theme_popup_border_visible": true,"theme_quick_panel_border_visible": true,"theme_quick_panel_item_selected_colored": true,"theme_scrollbar_colored": true,"theme_scrollbar_line": true,"theme_sidebar_disclosure": true,"theme_tab_selected_transparent": true,"theme_tab_selected_underlined": true,"theme_tab_size_lg": true,"theme_unified": true,

The operating system is Ubuntu. The font used for the code is Fira Code. The UI font is Fira Code (via addon)
Installed packages:
Boxy Theme Addon - Font Face


]( Yesterday ★ Atom

The screenshot above shows next options in action:
// Activation"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Yesterday.tmTheme","theme": "Boxy Yesterday.sublime-theme",

// Settings"theme_accent_sky": true,"theme_button_rounded": true,"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,"theme_find_panel_size_xs": true,"theme_grid_border_size_lg": true,"theme_icon_button_highlighted": true,"theme_icons_atomized": true,"theme_popup_border_visible": true,"theme_quick_panel_size_md": true,"theme_scrollbar_rounded": true,"theme_sidebar_disclosure": true,"theme_sidebar_indent_top_level_disabled": true,"theme_statusbar_size_md": true,"theme_tab_rounded": true,"theme_tab_selected_prelined": true,

The operating system is macOS. The font used for the code is Iosevka. The UI font is San Francisco Text (via addon).
Installed packages:
Boxy Theme Addon - Font Face
Boxy Theme Addon - Widget Font Size


]( The Love
I've put a lot of time and effort into making Boxy Theme
awesome. If you love it, you can buy me a coffee. Every cup helps! I promise it will be a good investment


Donate with: Patreon.

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