fjn 英语口语考试 - 手稿

一、 你同事安排了一个会议,但是你已经安排了其他工作没办法参加他的会议。

Introduction (介绍)

Hello everyone, thank you for joining me today. I'd like to talk about a common workplace scenario that many of us may encounter – how to politely decline a colleague's invitation to a meeting when you already have prior commitments. This situation can be challenging, but it's essential to handle it diplomatically to maintain good relationships with your coworkers. In this discussion, I will outline some strategies for addressing this issue effectively.


Explaining the Situation (解释情况)

Now, let's imagine a scenario. Your colleague has scheduled a meeting, and they've invited you to attend. However, due to prior commitments, you find yourself unable to participate in their meeting. It's essential to communicate your unavailability while maintaining professionalism and courtesy.


Declining Politely (礼貌地拒绝)

Here's how you can politely decline your colleague's meeting invitation:

"Thank you so much for considering me for the meeting. I appreciate the invitation. Unfortunately, I already have a prior commitment at that time, and I won't be able to attend. I'm genuinely interested in the topic and would have loved to join, but I won't be available at that specific time."



Offering an Alternative (提供替代方案)

While declining the meeting invitation, it's helpful to offer an alternative solution or express your willingness to catch up later:

"I understand that this meeting is important, and I don't want to hinder its progress. If possible, could we reschedule the meeting for another time that works for both of us? Alternatively, I'd be more than happy to review the meeting minutes or discuss the key points with you afterward. Please let me know what would work best for you."



Maintaining Positive Tone (保持积极的语气)

Throughout this conversation, it's crucial to maintain a positive tone and convey your regret at not being able to attend:

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and I hope we can find a solution that works for both of us. I value our collaboration and look forward to participating in future meetings."



Conclusion (结论)

In conclusion, declining a colleague's meeting invitation due to prior commitments can be done diplomatically by expressing gratitude for the invitation, providing a clear reason for your unavailability, offering alternative solutions, and maintaining a positive and cooperative tone. Remember that open and respectful communication is key to maintaining good relationships in the workplace.


中英文解析 (English-Chinese Analysis)

Politeness is key:礼貌至关重要:在拒绝会议邀请时,始终保持礼貌和尊重是非常重要的。你要感谢邀请并表达对话题的兴趣,同时也要对自己无法参加的原因表示抱歉。

Offer an alternative:提供替代方案:在拒绝邀请时,建议重新安排会议时间或提出其他解决方案,以显示你的合作态度。

Maintain a positive tone:保持积极的语气:无论如何,都要保持积极的态度,表示愿意与同事合作,并期待未来的机会。

Value the relationship:重视关系:强调你对与同事的合作的重视,以加强职场关系的积极性。

二、 你同事做PPT没用公司模板,根据题目图片帮他修正,并跟他说用公司模板的重要性。

Introduction (介绍)

Hello, everyone. Today, I'd like to discuss a common workplace scenario – when a colleague creates a PowerPoint presentation (PPT) that doesn't adhere to the company's template. This situation can arise from time to time, and it's essential to handle it constructively. In this discussion, I will outline how you can help your colleague improve their PPT and emphasize the importance of using the company template.


Addressing the Issue (解决问题)

Let's imagine this scenario: Your colleague has created a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming meeting, but it doesn't follow the company's template guidelines. Here's how you can address the issue:

"Hi [Colleague's Name], I had a chance to review the PowerPoint presentation you've prepared for the upcoming meeting, and I appreciate your effort in putting it together. However, I noticed that it doesn't align with our company's official template. I believe using our company's template is essential for several reasons."


"嗨 [同事的名字],我有机会查看了你为即将召开的会议准备的PowerPoint演示文稿,我感谢你的付出。但是,我注意到它与我们公司的官方模板不符。我认为使用我们公司的模板有几个重要的原因。”

Explaining the Importance of Using the Company Template (解释使用公司模板的重要性)

Consistency (一致性):"Firstly, using the company template ensures a consistent and professional look for all our presentations. This consistency reflects positively on our brand and helps convey a cohesive message to our audience."

Branding (品牌塑造):"Secondly, our company template is designed to incorporate our branding elements, such as the logo, color scheme, and font. This helps reinforce our brand identity and makes our presentations instantly recognizable as coming from our company."

Compliance (合规性):"Thirdly, using the company template ensures compliance with any legal or regulatory requirements. It helps us avoid potential issues related to unauthorized use of certain fonts, colors, or images that may not be in line with our company's policies or industry standards."

Efficiency (效率):"Lastly, our company template is designed to save time and effort. It already includes predefined slide layouts, styles, and formatting, which can significantly speed up the presentation creation process. This allows us to focus more on content rather than design."

Offering Assistance (提供帮助)

"Given these reasons, I'd be more than happy to help you adjust your presentation to match our company template. It will not only enhance the overall look of the slides but also ensure that we maintain consistency and adhere to our branding guidelines. Would you like some assistance in making these adjustments?"


Conclusion (结论)

In conclusion, addressing a colleague's use of a non-compliant PowerPoint presentation template can be done constructively by explaining the importance of using the company template. It's an opportunity to enhance the professionalism of the presentation and maintain brand consistency. Remember that offering assistance and being collaborative can lead to a positive outcome.


中英文解析 (English-Chinese Analysis)

Consistency (一致性):强调使用公司模板的一致性,有助于维护专业形象并传达一致的信息给受众。

Branding (品牌塑造):说明使用公司模板有助于塑造品牌形象,使演示文稿立即被识别为来自公司的作品。

Compliance (合规性):强调使用公司模板可以确保合规性,避免潜在的法律或法规方面的问题。

Efficiency (效率):提到使用公司模板可以节省时间和精力,因为它包含了预定义的幻灯片布局和格式,加快了演示文稿的创建过程。

三、 安排会议,如果有人不能出席怎么办?

Introduction (介绍)

Hello, everyone. Today, I'd like to discuss an important aspect of professional life – scheduling meetings. More specifically, we'll explore the situation when some participants cannot attend a scheduled meeting. This is a common challenge in the workplace, and it's crucial to handle it effectively to ensure that meetings remain productive and inclusive. In this discussion, I will outline some strategies for addressing this issue.


Addressing the Issue (解决问题)

Let's begin by addressing the issue of participants being unable to attend a scheduled meeting:

"Sometimes, despite our best efforts to plan meetings, unforeseen circumstances can arise that prevent certain individuals from attending. It's important to handle this situation thoughtfully and ensure that the meeting's objectives are still met."



Providing Solutions (提供解决方案)

Here are some strategies for handling situations when participants cannot attend a scheduled meeting:

Reschedule:"One option is to reschedule the meeting to a time when all key participants can attend. This may require some flexibility in terms of timing, but it ensures that everyone's input is considered."


Virtual Attendance:"Consider allowing remote or virtual attendance through video conferencing tools. This can be especially useful for participants who cannot physically be present."


Delegate Responsibilities:"If a key participant cannot attend, consider delegating their responsibilities or discussing with them in advance to ensure their input is still included."


Meeting Minutes:"Always ensure thorough meeting minutes are taken. These can be shared with absent participants to keep them informed of the meeting's discussions and decisions."


Emphasizing Collaboration and Flexibility (强调合作和灵活性)

"Handling situations where participants cannot attend a scheduled meeting requires a collaborative approach. It's important for all team members to be understanding and flexible, considering that unforeseen circumstances can happen to anyone. The goal is to ensure that the meeting remains productive and that everyone's input is valued, regardless of their physical presence."



Introduction (介绍)

Hello everyone, today I'd like to discuss a common workplace scenario – when a colleague, in this case, Cindy, creates a chart or graph that contains errors. It's crucial to address this situation constructively and emphasize the importance of accurate data representation. In this discussion, I'll outline how to approach Cindy about the inaccuracies in her chart and why data accuracy matters.


Identifying the Chart Issue (识别图表问题)

Let's imagine this scenario: Cindy has created a chart or graph for a presentation, but upon closer examination, you notice that it contains errors, with the correct information on the left side and incorrect information on the right side. Here's how you can address this issue:

"Hi Cindy, I had a chance to review the chart you've prepared for the upcoming presentation, and I appreciate your effort in putting it together. However, I noticed that there seems to be an issue with the chart. On the left side, the data appears to be accurate, but on the right side, there are discrepancies and errors. It's important that our chart reflects consistent and reliable data."


Emphasizing the Importance of Data Accuracy (强调数据准确性的重要性)

Decision-Making (决策):"Firstly, accurate data is essential for informed decision-making. When we present information to our team or stakeholders, they rely on the data to make decisions that can impact our projects and strategies."

Credibility (可信度):"Secondly, data accuracy directly affects our credibility. When our charts and graphs contain errors, it raises doubts about the reliability of our work and the trustworthiness of our reports."

Efficiency (效率):"Thirdly, accurate data saves time and effort. Correcting errors or misunderstandings resulting from inaccuracies can be time-consuming and may lead to unnecessary revisions."

Professionalism (专业性):"Lastly, ensuring data accuracy reflects our professionalism and commitment to excellence. It shows that we take our work seriously and care about the quality of our deliverables."

Offering Assistance and Solutions (提供帮助和解决方案)

"Given the importance of data accuracy, I'd be happy to help you review and correct the chart. We can work together to ensure that it accurately represents the information we want to convey. Additionally, we might consider implementing a review process to catch errors before they become part of our presentations in the future."



Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. Today, I'd like to discuss a situation that many of us might have encountered – a noisy environment that makes it difficult to focus on important tasks or discussions. In this discussion, I will outline how to address this issue politely, arrange a meeting agenda, and announce the meeting's start time.


Requesting Quiet (请求安静)

In a situation where noise is disrupting your work or a planned meeting, you can politely request silence:

"Hello everyone, I appreciate your presence and understand that there may be some ongoing discussions or activities. However, I kindly request that we maintain a quieter environment, especially if we are about to start a meeting or engage in important tasks that require focus and concentration. This will help us all to be more productive and make the most of our time together."



Arranging the Meeting Agenda (安排会议议程)

Once you have everyone's attention, you can proceed to discuss the meeting agenda:

"Now that we have a quieter environment, let's take a moment to go over the meeting agenda. We will start with a brief self-introduction so that everyone can get to know each other better. After that, we will move on to discussing the main topics, including [list the topics or agenda items]. If anyone has additional items to add, please let me know now, and we can include them in our agenda."


Announcing the Meeting Start Time (宣布会议开始时间)

Finally, announce the start time of the meeting:

"Our meeting is scheduled to begin at [time]. So, let's use this time to prepare and gather any necessary materials or information. Please be punctual so that we can make the most of our meeting time. Thank you for your cooperation."



Requesting a Postponement (请求推迟)

When faced with a meeting conflict, you can request a postponement politely:

"Hello [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention a scheduling conflict that I've encountered. It appears that two important meetings are scheduled for the same time, and I'm currently in a situation where I need to be present at both.

I understand the importance of both meetings and the need for my participation. However, this overlap is causing me a dilemma, and I would like to request a postponement for one of the meetings to ensure that I can fully engage and contribute effectively.

Could we please discuss the possibility of rescheduling one of the meetings to a more suitable time? I want to ensure that I can provide my undivided attention and actively participate in both discussions.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]"









Explaining the Conflict (解释冲突)

In your message, briefly explain the conflict and the reason for your request:

"As I mentioned, two meetings are scheduled at the same time. The first meeting pertains to [briefly describe the first meeting's purpose], and the second meeting relates to [briefly describe the second meeting's purpose]. Both meetings require my active participation, and I believe that a slight adjustment in the schedule would help me contribute effectively to both."



Suggesting a Solution (提出解决方案)

Offer a solution or alternative times for one of the meetings:

"I suggest that we consider rescheduling one of the meetings to a time that does not conflict with the other. Alternatively, if both meetings are time-sensitive, we could explore the possibility of delegating my participation in one of them to a colleague, ensuring that all necessary information is shared."


Expressing Gratitude (表示感谢)

Conclude your message by expressing gratitude for their understanding:

"Thank you for considering my request, and I appreciate your understanding and support in finding a solution to this scheduling conflict. I'm committed to ensuring that both meetings are productive and successful."


十一、 项目进度出现延迟,给出解决方案。

Explaining the Project Delay (解释项目延迟)

When addressing a project delay, it's important to provide a clear explanation of the reasons behind it:

"Hello team, I'd like to discuss a matter that has come to our attention. It seems that our project is experiencing delays, and I wanted to take a moment to explain the factors contributing to this delay. Firstly, [briefly explain the primary reason for the delay]. Secondly, [briefly explain any additional contributing factors]. It's essential that we understand these issues to find effective solutions."



Proposing Solutions (提出解决方案)

Next, propose solutions to address the project delay:

"To overcome these challenges and get our project back on track, I would like to propose the following solutions:

Reevaluate Timelines:"Let's conduct a thorough review of our project timelines and milestones. We may need to adjust our deadlines and expectations to account for the delays and ensure they are realistic."

Resource Allocation:"We should assess our resource allocation to make sure we have the right personnel and tools in place to expedite the project. If necessary, we can consider reallocating resources or bringing in additional support."

Regular Communication:"Enhance communication among team members and stakeholders. Frequent updates, progress reports, and transparent discussions can help us identify issues early and work together to resolve them."

Risk Mitigation:"Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans. By proactively addressing possible setbacks, we can minimize their impact on our project's timeline."

Team Collaboration:"Encourage collaboration and teamwork. Together, we can find innovative solutions and support each other in overcoming challenges."

Expressing Commitment and Collaboration (表达承诺和协作)

Conclude your message by expressing your commitment to resolving the delay and fostering collaboration:

"I want to emphasize that we are all committed to the success of this project. While delays can be challenging, they also present opportunities for us to learn, adapt, and strengthen our teamwork. Let's work closely together to implement these solutions and get our project back on track. Your input and dedication are highly valued, and I'm confident that with our collective effort, we can overcome these challenges."


十二、告诉新同事怎么申请公司账号request company account,并告诉她不要用生日做密码,并说明为什么。

Introduction (介绍)

Hello and welcome to our team! We're excited to have you on board. As a new member of our organization, you'll need access to various company systems and platforms. In this discussion, I will guide you through the process of applying for your company account and also explain why it's crucial not to use your birthday as a password.


Applying for Your Company Account (申请公司账号)

To apply for your company account, please follow these steps:

Contact IT Support:"First, reach out to our IT support team either in person or through email. They will provide you with the necessary forms or instructions for setting up your company account."

Complete Required Forms:"Fill out any forms or provide the requested information accurately. This typically includes your full name, job title, and department."

Password Creation:"During the account setup, you'll be prompted to create a password. This is where it's essential to choose a strong and secure password."

Explaining Password Choice (解释密码选择)

Now, let's discuss why it's important not to use your birthday as a password:

"Your birthday is personal information that's relatively easy for others to guess or obtain. Using such easily guessable information as your password can pose a security risk to your account. If someone with malicious intent gains access to your birthday and knows you use it as your password, they can easily break into your account, potentially compromising sensitive company data."


Emphasizing Password Security (强调密码安全)

"It's crucial to prioritize password security to protect both your personal information and company data. When creating a password, consider the following tips:

Complexity:"Choose a password that is at least 12 characters long and includes a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (e.g., !, @, #, $)."

Unpredictability:"Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays, names, or common words. Instead, opt for a unique and random combination of characters."

Regular Updates:"Change your password periodically, and never share it with anyone. Keeping your password confidential is essential for security."

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):"Whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. This typically involves receiving a one-time code on your phone or email to verify your identity."

By following these password security practices, you'll help protect your account and contribute to our overall cybersecurity efforts."







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