Flexisip is a SIP proxy server implementation compliant to RFC3261, written in C++11.
The project was started by Belledonne Communications in 2011. The focus was to develop a SIP proxy solution easy to install, configure and maintain, and offering “out of the box” all the required features to deploy a SIP service tuned for mobile applications.
The free linphone.org SIP service is running with Flexisip since 2011, and enables Linphone users to create their SIP addresses in order to communicate together.
Thanks to its modular architecture and its limited number of required dependencies, Flexisip can perfectly run on small hardwares (embedded systems).
Flexisip has the following main features:
transports: SIP/UDP, SIP/TCP and SIP/TLS
nat aware with built-in media relay module and stun server
digest authentication based on external SQL password database or static password file
routing based on registrar database or static route file, with forking
interconnected with push notifications systems for reliably notifying mobile apps of incoming calls or messages
high level event logging for activity monitoring
high availability and cluster mode operation for large deployments
Documentation is available from our wiki:
Mailing list
We invite anyone that wishes to get in touch with Flexisip's developer team to subscribe to flexisip-developers mailing list. Subscription is required to be authorized to post to this mailing list, in order to eliminate spam. Flexisip-developers mailing list is the place where to discuss technical issues and/or submit patches.