

its twice as much exercise as traditional walk.
Its not just the sun, thats making you sweat.
Studies show that walk on sand increses how much energy you use
since sand provids natural resisetence, walking on the beach will require more efforet than walking on flat terrain.
In fact, this long-studied shows that walking on sand actuaaly reuqires more energy.
It is about 2.1-2.7 times more energy that walking on the traditional hard surface at the same speed.
It is great for improving balance.
walking on an uneven surface of sand chanllange your stabillity, therefore supporting better posture and imrpoving your overall gait.
Reacent studies show walking on an uneven surface can improve walking ability.
Those people who have experieced strokes can retrain their gait by walking on a sandy beach.
The reason , beach walking requires more balance than flat terrain,
It increases vitaminD
You ve heard that being in the sun is a natural way to increse your vitamin D stores.
Vitamin D is essential for building healthy bonds, and maintaining a heatealthy immune system to fight off illness.
in fact, low sun exposure can be a contributer to a vitamin D deficiency.
If you are low on Vitamin D, a nice waling along sunie beach is a great way to get some natural vitamin D.
It is a grounding activity that helps reduce inflammation.
Maybe youve never heard of grounding, it is an ancient practice whiere one can connect with earth.
This can be down in many way.
Put your hands ona tree, or dig your bare feet and tones into the sand.
Yet, grounding is more than just a calming or meditative practice.
studies have found that grounding has the power to reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and even reduce pain.

现在是8月15号的下午,我今天没有去图书馆,浪费了最关键的一天,但是明天早上我起来之后,就会去食堂吃完饭带着电脑去图书馆搞定这些的。12点到3点把简历改完,3点到4点把简历交掉。EZ pizi

Wall-streat's main index close lower on friday after disappointing earning from apple had investers brancing from more downside suprises.
The dow shed over four tenthsof a percent, the s&p 500 lost about half a percent and the NASDAQ dipped more than three tenths of a percent.
apple's stock fell four.8 percent it is biggest daily percentage decline since semptember of last year hat help put a dent in the SP 500 a day after the iphone maker forcast s a continue sllide in sales.
A partial conterweight to blow apple and inflicted on the SP and NASDAQ was Amazon.
Its shares roses 8.3 % the day after the online retailer issued an upbeat third-quarter outlook.
All three major indexs posted weekly lossses with some of investers taking profit after 5 months of gains.
Meanwhile date from labour department friday show the us employers added 187 000 jobs in july fewer than what many economists expected.
Data forMay and June was also revised lower.
Despite the slow down in job growth, kevin Nicholson global fixed income Chief officer at the riverfront from the investment group says the number reflect a still tight-labour market which will force the federal reserve to hike the intrest rate at least once more this year.
I think as long as we continue to have a solid labour market that the FED is gonna have to continue to hike.
Because the bottome line is if consumers are employed, that they are gonna to continue spend and when you continue to spend, that drives up the inflation.
in other company news, icon enterprise owned by billinaire investor Carl, shed more than 20% percent.
The company halved its quarterly dividend months after short seller hinderbuger research accused it of operating a ponzi like strueture for its divident payout.
Shares TW rallied 35.5% after the company finalized an agreement with its lenders to restructure its debt obligations the effort to turn around the business.
And driftKING's shares rose 5.8% after teh sports-betting firm raised its fiscal year 2023 revenue outlook.

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