Breadbook English 10th workshop 2018.8.1

Breadbook 10th Workshop

Topic: the first time to....

Time:8-1 19.30-21.00

Address: 晶赞酒店atila cafe

Participator:Sheeya/Eve/Cynthia/Vivian /Anna/Suya/Jonathan/Ben/Monica

Memory for first time doing something is always unforgettable and valuable.People may feel it's stupid,warn,exciting,unforgettable,happy,scare ect. to do things for the first time.But feel precious when recall these memories.

How's your first time do somthing?Share your story with us.

Poster for 10th Breadbook Enlgish workshop
Photos of the workshop

Eve shared her stories of learning a online reading course to improve herself.She learned reading modes which help her to read effectivly.Reading different types of books is like having different kinds of food which includs staple food,vegetables,fruit etc. to maintain a balance.She was inspired by a lot of friends from the course, she showed us a positive attitude towards life.

Ben’s first time to go abroad was visiting Australia. He lived and worked there for a year, just wanted to enjoy a new lifestyle for himself. He did a lot of jobs for his first times, like a receptionist in a restaurant, a worker in a farm… And it’s also the first time for him to know kangaroo meat is a snack! And finally the passion test helped him find family should be the most valuable thing for him, so he came back to China and explored a new career. 

Monica had a chance to see a superstar LuYi when she hosted a big event with 5000 people attended. It’s the first timefor him to meet a superstar so closely, Lu Yi was handsome and tall, and shewas attracted by his charm. Although she felt she didn’t do a great job to host the activity, she shared us the precious memory selflessly, and she could dobetter now. And all of us felt excited about her story!

Suya told us a travelling story when she visited Bali Island. When she rode the banana boat in the middle of the sea, the boat suddenly turned over, all of them dropped into the water and they felt so scary because the local driver of the boat didn’t save them! It’s the first time forher to think about death, luckily they all survived. It’s definitely anexperience that she would never forget!

Cynthia had a similar story with Suya, that’sher first time to experience death. When she snorkeled in Phuket Island, her nose plugged by the snorkeling mask tightly, she couldn’t breathe with her noseand drank a lot of seawater, she thought desperately she was going to die.Luckily the tour guide saved her. After that she was so scary of the sea. But she overcome her fear and learn how to swim, what a brave girl!

When Anna climbed the Hua Shan in her first time with her classmate (male) and classmate’s girlfriend, they started from midnight and got to the top at 5 AM, she was so tired but deeply impressed by the tremendous view of the great nature when she saw the sunrise. On the way back to the airport in the same day, they had a car crash because they were sooooo tired! Luckily nobody got hurt. Five years later her classmate and classmate’s girlfriend got married, the bride still remembered her very clearly, “the car crash and Hua Shan!”

Vivian joined BreadBook English workshopbecause she had a strong will to improve her English, so it’s her first time toattend the meeting. Actually we all thought her English was good and fluent,she could express her opinions clearly. And we believed she would attend the meeting the second time, the third time… That’s the love from BreadBook made us together!

The final story came from Jonathan, he talked the first time when he became a father. He didn’t fully prepare to be agood father at that time. He was focus on his career and other things anddidn’t spend much time to company with his son, sometimes he felt guilty. Hetold us never to make a big decision when you are not prepared, think twice.

9 stories showed us different lives , but we crossed at BreadBook Reading Club which make our lives interesting.

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