Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).
Output: "BANC"
- If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string "".
- If there is such window, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.
- 关于字母出现的频次问题用
。 - 首先统计
T string
上就记录了每一个字符的个数。 - 要想在O(n)的时间, 用到滑动窗的思路。那么定义这个窗口,窗口的左边界到右边界内的字符包含了
T string
中所有字符,并且左边界一定不能再向右移动。 - 同时,定义一个
来记录在S string
中找到了多少个T string
的字符,当counter = s.length
,在S string
中滑动窗口时 (左右边界初始都为0):
1)向右滑动右边界时,每增加一个字母,如果其为T string
中字符,且出现频次不超过T string
中该字母的频次,那么counter - 1
2)向右滑动左边界时,每移除一个字母,如果其为T string
中字符,且出现频次不超过T string
中该字母的频次,那么counter + 1
1) 如果这个位置的值> 0
,说明这个位置是T string
中字符,并且现在窗中个数还不足,counter --
2) 如果这个位置的值<= 0
* 不是T string
* 是T string
update counter
,一旦counter != 0
, 则停止移动左边界:
1) 如果左边界在int[128]
上对应位置值== 0
,说明此字符是集合需要的字符(否则这个位置的值该为负),并且个数刚刚好,counter ++
(因为其会被移除,则update counter
2) int[128]上对应位置值++1
且 右移左边界。
Time: O(n), Space O(1)
class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
int sLen = s.length ();
int tLen = t.length ();
// S is shorter than T, can never find such substring
if (sLen < tLen)
return "";
// Use hashtable to track occurance of characters in T
// and use a viable [count] to track how many characters are found in S
// Only while count == length of T, means it is a substring which contains all characters in T
// But, it might also contain characters which are not in T.
int left = 0, right = 0;
int head = 0; // it requires to return the min substring, use head to tracker the left pointer of min substring;
int count = tLen; // initial count == tLen. count -- while find a character in S, while count == 0, means find all characters
int minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int[] tracker = new int [256];
// loop through T to get the occurance of characters
for (char ch : t.toCharArray ())
tracker [ch] ++;
// loop through S, to find the substring while contains all characters in T
while (right < sLen)
// if the value is > 0, means it is the character in T (initially it is 0)
if (tracker [s.charAt (right)] > 0)
count --;
tracker [s.charAt (right)] --;
right ++; // move right pointer
// found all characters, try to move left pointer
while (count == 0)
// update the min substring head and length
if (right - left < minLen)
minLen = right - left;
head = left;
// while == 0, it's the character in T and the occurance is also satisfied the requirement
if (tracker [s.charAt (left)] == 0)
count ++;
// move left pointer
tracker [s.charAt (left)] ++;
left ++;
return minLen == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "" : s.substring (head, head + minLen);