原创翻译 | 东非骆驼,又快又有味


Middle east and Africa: East African camels: Speedy and tasty The camel trade is increasingly lucrative.


lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/ 获利丰厚的

Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.成千上万的退役军官在私人保安公司找到了薪水丰厚的工作。

"Allahu akbar!" the boys shout gleefully fromatop their camels, the reins of others held in their raised fists, their backs to the setting sun. Beside them a metal-fenced racing track cuts through the pancake-flat desert.


reins/reɪnz/ 缰绳

In fact, anyone can learn to take the reins from the subconscious and alter dream situations. 事实上,每个人都可以通过学习,掌握潜意识的缰绳,从而掌控梦境。

Every dawn and dusk the camels are trained to run on this plain outside Kassala, a city in eastern Sudan. Their owners hope they will catch the eye of the wealthy Emiratis who visit several times a year to buy the fastest mounts for multi-million-dollar prize races in Dubai.


catch the eye of吸引眼球;引起...的注意

I must catch the eye of the girl over there-I particularly want to speak to her.


The Rashaida, a tribe that migrated to Sudan and Eritrea from Saudi Arabia in the mid-19th century,are renowned for breeding some of the world's speediest racing camels. They are also infamous for trafficking Eritreans who cross the border, around 30km (20 miles) from Kassala,in the hope of eventually reaching Europe.

拉舍达是一个在19世纪中期从沙特阿拉伯迁移到苏丹和厄立特里亚的部落,这个部落以饲养一些世界上奔跑速度最快的骆驼而闻名,同时,他们也因拐卖厄立特里亚人而声名狼藉,这些厄立特里亚人从卡萨拉州穿过大约 30 千米(20 英里)的边界,希望最终能够到达欧洲。

be renowned for因…而著名

Egyptians may be renowned for being politically passive, but the rising generation is verydifferent from previous ones.


in the hope of 希望;怀着……的希望

We looked through many books in the hope of getting further information.


Emiratis buy between 100 and 300 young camels a year from the village of Abu Talha, some for as much as $80,000, says Hamed Hamid, a mustachioed patriarch. There are around 800 racing beasts in a settlement of 1,200 people, he estimates, and many more are being raised for slaughter.

大胡子酋长Hamed Hamid说,阿联酋人一年从 Abu Talha 村庄买100到300峰小骆驼,有的骆驼价格高达 80,000 美元。他还估计,在一个有 1,200 人的定居地大约有800头比赛骆驼,更多的是养着供屠宰卖钱。

patriarch/ˈpeɪtrɪˌɑːk/ (男性)家长; 族长; 酋长

The patriarch of the house, Mr. Jawad, rules it with a ferocity renowned throughout the neighbourhood.


"The camels are everything. They give us milk, meat and trade," Mr Hamid says, as his wife brews tea and coffee over hot coals under a starry sky. Although the Rashaida are traditionally nomadic, many have settled in villages like Abu Talha, a jumble of earthen-walled or brightly painted concrete houses.

繁星密布的的天空下,妻子在火炭上泡茶、冲着咖啡,这时,Hamid 说:“骆驼就是一切,它们供我们喝奶、吃肉、做交易,”  拉舍达虽然在传统上以游牧为主,但很多人在 Abu Talha 这样的村庄定居,村庄里杂乱排布着泥墙房或色彩鲜艳的混凝土房。

brew /bruː/ 冲泡 (茶、咖啡等)

He brewed a pot of coffee.


nomadic /nəʊˈmædɪk/ 游牧的

the great nomadic tribes of the Western Sahara.


jumble /ˈdʒʌmbəl/ 杂乱的一堆

The shoreline was made up of a jumble of huge boulders.


They have also adapted to the United Arab Emirates' ban on child jockeys, after the state was censured by the UN in 2005. Boys still train some camels, but others are whipped along by miniature robots dressed in jockey silks and given orders remotely from white Toyota pickup trucks.


jockey /ˈdʒɒkɪ/ 赛马骑手

Highly detailed graphics including realistic horses and jockeys , weather effects, and accuratelymodelled international race courses.


censure /ˈsɛnʃə/ 谴责

The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.


whip /wɪp/ 鞭打

Eye-witnesses claimed Mr. Melton whipped the horse up to 16 times.


Each month the villagers sell around 200 baby camels to Saudi Arabia and 120 adult ones to Egypt for human consumption, says Mr Hamid, pointing out a large female that will fetch as much as 25,000 Sudanese pounds ($1,525 at the black-market exchange rate) .

Hamid 说,村民们每月大约卖200峰小骆驼给沙特阿拉伯,卖120峰成年骆驼给埃及,供埃及人消费。他指出一峰大的母骆驼能卖得高达 25,000 苏丹镑(黑市汇率1,525 美元)。

Livestock is a big and growing business all over east Africa, in considerable part fuelled by the Gulf's increasing appetite for meat. Live Sudanese animal exports more than trebled to $670m between 2010 and 2013 (the most recent years for which the World Bank has data) .


More than 70% were sheep, demand for which surges around the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, when they are ceremonially slaughtered. In 2015 Somalia sold 5.3m animals, worth $384m; livestock counts for 40% of that fractured country's GDP.


Other Sudanese may sneer that the Rashaida's new cars and houses have been bought with the proceeds of people-smuggling. But there is plenty of money to be made in the legitimate business of exporting livestock.


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