New Concept English II - lesson 29


-take a taxi.


1. taxi n.出租车

-take a taxi 打车
-If you take a taxi there, then you don't have to get up early.
-It must be terrible to take a taxi in that city.
-The taxi which you took last night broke down this morning.

2. Pilatus Porter 飞机
3. land v. 着陆

-landed in the field/ airfield
-The plane landed in the airfield an hour ago.
-The plane which has just landed in the field belongs to my family.

4. plough v. 耕地

-When they were ploughing the field, they saw a rare white tiger.
-After the farmer had ploughed the field, they cooked a meal over an open fire.
-The framer who had just ploughed the field is my father.

5. lonely adj. 孤单的、偏僻的
  • When I was Auckland, I sometimes felt lonely.
    -lonely village
    -The man who grew up in a lonely village has lived in the big city for 10 years.
    -They will be driving to lonely village.
6. Welsh adj. 威尔士的 Wales n. 威尔士
7. roof n. 房顶

-landed on the roof
-The plane landed on the roof.
-The man who is repairing the roof is my brother.
-The children were telling stories on the roof.

8. flat n.公寓 apartment n.公寓 block n.公寓

-The man who owns ten flats in the city decided to go on a trip by himself.
-This flat must have been cleaned last night.
-It's a pity that he sold that apartment.
-The museum is just six blocks away.

9. desert n. 沙子 v. 遗弃

-It has been deserted for some time.
-Have you ever been to the desert?

问题二: 如何使用done作定语?

-called a 'Pilatus Porter.'
-on a ploughed field
-deserted car park
-a broken cup = the cup that has been broken
-boiled water = water that has been boiled
-fallen leaves = leaves that have fallen
-a retired captain = a captain who has retired
-a married man = a man that has married

问题三: 英文定语的位置?

-位置:单词(done) + n. + done引导的短语

问题四:复习have + done VS did


Repetition drill:

  1. When did you see Tim? In January.
    -I haven't seen him since January.

  2. When did he read this book? Last year.
    -I haven't read this book since last year.

  3. When did she meet him? In 1993.
    -She hasn't seen him since 1993.

  4. When did he wake up? At one o'clock.
    -He hasn't woken up since one o'clock.

  5. When did you hear from him? At Christmas.
    -I haven't heard from him since Christmas.

  6. When did she sweep the floor? On Wednesday.
    -She hasn't swept the floor since Wednesday.

  7. When did you think about it? Yesterday.
    -I haven't thought about it since yesterday.

  8. When did he teach them? In 1986.
    -He hasn't taught them since 1986.

  9. What did she notice it? Last week.
    -She hasn't noticed it since last week.

Pattern drill:

  1. posted your letter-stamped it before you posted it.
    S1: I've posted your letter.
    S2: I hope you stamped it before you posted it.

  2. eaten those apples-washed/ peeled
    S1: I've eaten those apples.
    S2: I hope you washed it before you eaten it.

  3. put the plates away-washed/ dried
    S1: I've put the plates away.
    S2: I hope you dried it before you put it.

  4. painted the door-cleaned/ mended
    S1: I've painted the door.
    S2: I hope you mended it before you painted it.

  5. sent that letter off- signed/ read
    S1: I've sent that letter off.
    S2: I hope you read it before you sent it off.

  6. worked in a bank
    S1: Have you ever worked in a bank?
    S2: I worked in one for two months once.

  7. owned a horse/ driven a Toyota
    S1: Have you ever owned a horse?
    S2: I owned a horse for two months once.

  8. lived in a flat/ lived on a farm
    S1: Have you ever lived in a flat?
    S2: I lived in a flat for two months once.

  9. kept a cat/ stayed at a hotel
    S1: Have you ever kept a cat?
    S2: I kept a cat for two months once.

  10. had a bad cold/ had a pen friend
    S1: Have you ever had a bad cold?
    S2: I had a bad cold for two months.

  11. No one's seen Tim-he's moved.
    S1: Has anyone seen Tim?
    S2: He hasn't been seen since he moved.

  12. dusted the room/hall-the maid's left
    S1: Has anyone dusted the room?
    S2: It hasn't been dusted since the maid's left.

  13. missed Marry/ Mrs. Jones-she's gone away
    S1: Has anyone missed Marry?
    S2: She hasn't been missed since she's gone away.

  14. cleared the road/path-it's snowed
    S1: Has anyone cleared the road?
    S2: It hasn't been cleared since it's snowed.

  15. mended the stereo/ TV-Jane's broken it
    S1: Has anyone mended the TV?
    S2: It hasn't been mended since Jane's broken it.

  16. write the essay
    S1: Did it take long to write the essay?
    S2: I wrote it in two hours. I've never written an essay so quickly before.

  17. paint the picture/ read the book
    S1: Did it take a long to paint the picture?
    S2: I painted it in two hours. I've never painted a picture so quickly before.

  18. write the poem/ catch the thief
    S1: Did it take a long to write the poem?
    S2: I written it in two hours. I've never written a poem so quickly before.

  19. do the job/ make the dress
    S1: Did it take a long to do the job?
    S2: I did it in two hours. I've never done it so quickly before.

  20. clean the garage/ mend the TV
    S1: Did it take a long to clean the garage?
    S2: I took it in two hours. I've never taken it so quickly before.


Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett didn't take him because the trip was too dangerous.


1. Who's bought an unusual taxi?

-Captain Ben Fawcett has.

2. What has he begun?

-A new service.

3. What is the 'taxi' in fact?

-A small aeroplane.**

4. Where was it made?

-In Switzerland.

5. What is it called?

-A 'Pilatus Porter'.

6. How many passengers can it carry?


7. Where can it land?


8. Who was the Captain's first passenger?

-A doctor.

9. Where did he fly from?


10. Where did he fly to?

-A lonely village in the Welsh mountains.

11. What's Captain Fawcett done since then?

-He has flown passengers to many unusual places.

12. Has he ever landed on a roof?

-Yes, he has.

13. Where else has he landed?

-In a deserted car park.

Asking questions:

1. Ask me if Captain Fawcett has begun a new service.(who)(what)

-Has Captain Fawcett begun a new service?
Who has begun a new service?
-What has Captain Fawcett begun?

2. He has bought an unusual taxi.(what)

-What has he bought?

3. It's a small aeroplane (what)

-What is it?

4. It comes from Switzerland.(Where)

-Where does it come from?

5. It's called a 'Pilatus Porter'? (what)

-What is it called?

6. It can carry seven passengers.(how many)

-How many passengers can it carry?

7. It can land anywhere.(Where)

-Where can it land?

8. It can land on snow or water.(what)

-What can it land on?

9. The Captain's first passenger was a doctor.(who)

-Who was the Captain's first passenger?

10. He flew to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.(where)(who)

-Where did he fly to?
-Who flew to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains?

11. He flew from Birmingham.(where...from)

-Where did he fly from?

Tell the story:

1. Captain Fawcett-unusual-new service

-Captain Fawcett has begun a new service.

2. 'taxi'-Swiss-'Pilatus Porter'
3. wonderful-seven passengers
4. most surprising-land anywhere
5. first-doctor-Birmingham-mountains
6. Since then-flown-unusual places
7. Once-flats-another-car park
8. refused-strange-businessman
9. wanted-Rockall-Atlantic-didn't take-dangerous

Summary writing:key

Topics for discussion:

1. Have you ever flown in an aeroplane? Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
2. What are the advantages/ disadvantages of air travel?
3. What do you think air travel will be like in the future (e.g. private helicopters, supersonic flight, journeys to the moon, etc.)?
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