L14 A noble gangster

Words & Expressions

*valiant/ˈvæliənt/, very brave, especially in a difficult situation =courageous, valiant effort

--The guard threw himself in front of a train in a valiant effort to save the child.

--Efforts to solve challenges in the most challenging parts of the world are valiant.

*be at war (with each other)处于战争状态

--There are some who believe we should still be at war in Iraq.

--"I believe there is no need for Iran to be at war with the U.S. forever," he said.

*in times of peace和平时期

--For a start, he is not much loved by his own people—in times of peace.

--They have been marked in times of peace, in times of upheaval, in times of war. (upheaval[ʌp'hivl],动乱,剧变)

*make a name for himself 出名

--He soon made a name for himself and came to be known as the Godfather.

*in return for 作为...的报答

--They had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for 'protection'.

*as long ago as追溯到,早在...之前

--Signs on some of the houses say they were built as long ago as the seventeenth century.

--This has been a long-winded and complicated process - it started as long ago as1997.


to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing

dedicate yourself/your life to something

--The actress now dedicates herself to children’s charity work.

to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect

dedicate something to somebody

--The book was dedicated to her husband.

--You can think about it, talk about it, write about it,dedicate your life to it.

--She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen, who she says understands her obsession.

to state in an official ceremony that a building will be given someone’s name in order to show respect for them

--The new building were dedicated on Saturday 22 May 1976.

to use a place, time, money etc only for a particular purpose 

dedicate something to/for something

--The company dedicated $50,000 for the study.


Itly /ˈɪtəli/,/t/在俩元音中间发/d/ (party,city,set up etc)

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